MP Fantasy ElvenPath Mod - Previously Unreleased Closed Beta Content and some babblling

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As some of you may have allready know this mod. However most of you haven't even heard about it, I'm plenty sure.
For those of you haven't heard about it here is a link to the old main topic:,50181.0.html
Moddb Page:

Those who remember it and waited for it patiently until the mod was announced dead and then resurrected from the ashes into a 4 long years of silence, will know what the mod was all about. It was about fun and fun features in multiplayer and story driven story in singleplayer, which i never got around working on it(I'm talking about the later pard(singleplayer)); except before Warband came out i solely worked on the later part. The Mount&Blade version of the mod has some, the story driven story and rpg element i mean. Those who havent gotten around to check it out before or never heard of it are welcome to do so, I'm sure you can find it somewhere in the forums:smile:(Sorry for the inconvenience:smile: Plus you need the old Mount&Blade to make it work.

Those who played the multiplayer 0.2.6 and the lucky ones who got to play the 0.3.x closed beta and 1.0 beta will surelly remember the awesomeness, the lucky ones most probably, or not. Recently i found a harddrive covered with catnip which incidently had all data regarding ElvenPath and some babbles and screenshots, images and music related and unrelated. A huge piles of data about hundred times bigger than the mod files. I decided to release the previously unreleased beta with it's server files and modüle sistem. You can find the links below the babble.

This previously unreleased closed beta version offers many new features as they were promised so long ago. But there is a catch im afraid. You'll need the 1.153 version of Mount&Blade Warband and 3.2.0 version of WSE for both the client and the Server. And also most of the features doesn't work without hosting a dedicated server, whats more you need to set up a port in your router to do that. Huge pain in the **s if you ask me. But I'd be happy to host the server on my computer as long as you want to play. Maybe set up events like old times maybe, maybe; and probably(if you'd like to play that is).

This latest version from 4 years ago includes all of this;

From 0.2.6(Publicly released version)
  • Playing as a moon elf or a drow from menzoberranzan. (But the skins were human - however i fixed that in the latest version)
  • Couple of nice looking maps to test that elf swords and drow crosbows. (Forests, fortresses, underdark, druid circle)
  • Lot's of epic looking weapons and shield and armor.
  • Crouching for cowardly hiding purposes.
  • Improvised Hide&Seek gamemode with excessive use of crouch(Not exactly a feature but, umm. It was fun!) Thanks Asperge :smile:
  • Shield Bash(completely working awesome and superior to all the other supposedly shield bash features in the other modes shield bash system) Completely user friendly in terms of gameplay.
  • Awesome and weird falling animations? stuns?
  • Sommersaulting :smile: for the lulz. Press Ctrl right after jumping.
  • New animations for jumping over ledges (Awesome stuff really, and sometimes you get stuck and it's even more awesome as demonstrated here by Arch3r. Wow old video. But awesome nonetheless.
  • What's more? I can't remember. Maybe that's all
  • Lot's of magic shrumms and beautyful flowers
  • Neat ambient sounds based on time and epic rain effects

From 0.3.x(Closed beta version in which we played, ahemm. Tested certain features mentioned below)
  • Shield Bash FİXED and improved
  • Crouch Walking (All in all, it's a very uber feature on its own. Right? Cuz now we get to stab the seekers in the back and change places while hiding :mrgreen:)
  • Skin problem fixed. Now all the races can get their own skins respectively.
  • New playable races. Dwarfs, goblis and orcs. With their own troop classed and weapons.
  • Spell System!(Not really. It doesn't work properly and bugs your client. You need to disconnect and reconnect to get rid of the bug. But you can hold the staves on your left hand! And sword on the right :smile:
  • New awesome weapons and armors for the elves and drow.
  • Enchanted arrows and bolts! Neat, you can shoot a bucket load of ice shards at the enemy and destroy their shield with multiple impacts. And you can also shoot magic missiles and stuff.
  • Maps revised. Added more bushes for the sake of hiding behind.
  • New Maps(probably buggy and unfinished)
  • Race and gender selection upon joining a server
  • I can't remember anything else.
  • Reserved for future flashbacks.

Edit: The development has stoped, for couple of years now. I just wanted to publish the closed beta that never saw the light of day, and the modüle_system for whoevers interested in it.

Links should be authorized by Moddb administeraters any time:

The Trailer:
The Mod:
Warband 1.153:
Wse 3.2.0:
The Server Files:
The Modüle Sistem:
Very early test for dynamic dialogs for single player. I just couldn't resist sharing it. :smile:
For this planned feature for single player. We thought about scrolling through responses or selecting one with the 1,2,3,4,5 keys! You can find this scene from the New Game>Save Game test option.


1_1 - Greetings good dwarf
2_1 - Who in the Abyss are ye?!
2_2 - Who in the Nine Hells are ye?!
2_3 - By Moradin's Beard! Ye almost made me drop me  mug o' beer!
2_4 - What be ye thinkin', sneakin' up on people like that?!
3_1 - I am truly sorry good dwarf. My name is Ta'lentar. I'm from the Moonwood.
4_1 - Bah! Durned treehuggers all over teh place!
4_2 - Ah! Twinkletoes! What ye be wantin' from me?
4_3 - Ah! Twinkletoes! What be ye up to here?
5_1 - Calm down. I was just passing through.
5_2 - Calm down. I'm just trying to find some tracks of a particular drow. My home was raided few days ago.
6_1 - That's not me problem ye know? Why I'd be caring for some nutty nuts faerie folk of some durned wood!
6_2 - Just passing through eh? What be ye waitin' fer? Well, scram off, then!
7_1a - Look, I'm getting tired of your short temper, dwarf. Just shut up and listen for ten seconds!
7_1b - I'm looking for a particular drow, as I mentioned earlier, whom I believe to be one of the drow who committed a raid on my HOME!
7_1c - And I could use all available assistance, even that of a short-tempered,ill-mannered dwarf!
7_2 - Are you coming with us or are you gonna stay here drinking all day long, while we get to fight the horde of monsters? You'll miss all the fun if you'll just stay here with your damned drink!
8_1 - E'rr, well twinkletoes. I'm comin' with ye. Yer point taken. Jus' gimme a mug o' ale first.
8_2 - Can ye hand me tha mug o'er there. I'm staying with me beloved ale!
8_3 - Hmm.. Though call, lad. Bah! I can always bring me ale with me!
9_1 - I'm afraid we don't have space for a new member at the moment.
9_2 - Yes, come with me. We shall hunt them down one by one.
9_3 - I would be grateful to have you join my party. Travelling as a group is always safer than travelling on your own.
9_4 - I'm sorry but I'm looking for someone with a different set of talents.
10_1 - Ye don't have space for me?! Come back when ye've thrown out one o' 'em dorks then!
10_2 - Hah! That's tha spirit! I'll be ready in three mugs o' ale
10_3 - Bah! I didn't want ta join yer stupid party anywayz you silly durned elf! Hmpf!
10_4 - Not enough space?! Ye'd rather drag around that skinny treehugger? Come back when ye see some sense!

It's save game testing because I implemented a design in which the game saves everything from npc positions to rotations and items and other stuff. Because I wanted to omit the campaign map completely. All we saw was a glimpse of campaign map after loading our game. Then it would simply and immidietly load the scene in which we were in last and set everything accordingly. Couldn't resist mentioning this. Sorry. :smile:
I like the trailer :grin: Best luck!

By the way, animations are awesome!
Oh, god. Just to clear the confusion. I'm not working on this mod anymore, not since a couple of years. I just wanted to publish the closed beta that never managed to get out of beta. And also the modüle_system for whoevers interested in it :smile: Thank you for your support tho im really sorry for the misunderstanding. I'll add a statement to the main post.
Does this mean that all the mod's resources are also available as OSP?
I could certainly use some stuff for Phantasy Calradia. I would give you full credit of course.
guspav said:
Does this mean that all the mod's resources are also available as OSP?
I could certainly use some stuff for Phantasy Calradia. I would give you full credit of course.

Of course! Just don't forget nemeruis. He worked really hard on the models/textures.
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