Perisno Q&A + FAQ

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There are cartridges but both are not obtainable by normal mean and we don't plan to add a faction with gunpower yet. We want the game to be a more medieval-low fantasy rather.
For weapons you can get through companions:

Antiope has a darkwood ranger bow
Arcanus has the flamebringer

I have also seen some freelancer marshals wielding some flamebringer but I do not know if you can loot it at the end of fights.
I haven't seen any "normal" troop using a darkwood bow

Regarding firearms it might be fun to get the asian invaders to have a special troop type wielding some rifle type of weapon. From a history base point of view, firearms actually appeared before full plate armors (full plate armor "knight" looking are only late 15th and 16th century  :mrgreen:)
ludyc said:
Thank you :grin: Juggern i completely agree with you :smile:
Well once we start adding firearms, all the balance would be tipped. At the moment the balance is quite good. If you have seen info on a new faction you will see they will be using a "gun" type weapon, though not using gunpowder. Be if we tell you every little detail then what's the fun in that? :wink:
Is there a way to give troops to a lord when he is in a castle? (I can do it while they are on the field but couldn't find this option when they are staying in a castle).
When they are in a castle I can't find a way to persuade them to go out so I can give them some troops in order to then ask them to follow me to raid a castle/city.

To stay marchal you normally have to watch for your controversy and try to minize it when it goes up (by hunting enemy lords or taking castle/city)
If you are on a claimant quest, you are automatically marshall but I don't know if you will stay marshall all the time or if the king may change once you have some lords.
Just a general question. Do patrols you hire replenish or do they just keep fighting until they die out? Do they level up?
Ok, so: I know that to get Perisno troops you have to save captured farmers ecc. or be a king/queen and recrute them from your villages, BUT, I've seen that if you talk with farmer parties you have the option: Will you join me in my army ? or smth like that... ( cant remember exactly how it was written )

They usually respond that they don't know you very well and won't join... My question is: How do you make them join you ?
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