Patch Notes v1.2.9

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It is pretty interesting. So weird to go like this for so long and it definitely invites a ton of speculation. I also saw their tweet where they said "Yes, working on it" in response to the same questions on Twitter.

It certainly sounds like pretty strained and pained responses, doesn't it?

I will choose to stay optimistic. I mean a lot of people are jumping to pretty toxic conclusions but the gaming industry has had a ton of layoffs currently and is not in a good place, so there are plenty of things that could be happening that are not good and way out of the hands of the devs and CMs on here.
Maybe 1.3 will have a lot of content as I see them mess around on steamdb a lot.
1.3 could be the biggest patch yet and DLC could be around the corner.

This is pretty much the best case scenario but it doesn't really explain why they needed to delete the beta branch nor go completely silent.
No that won't be the case.

Could you please link the bug report?
I can list what I think are the main problems:

- Baked GI is full of artifacts that have been reported infinite times, it seems that a solution to this problem has not yet been found.

- The game lacks of a centralized lighting system to makes everything more homogeneous, actually having the data stored inside the single scene creates oddities like heavily brighter scenes.
*even the interpolated atmosphere xmls makes no sense: why different cultures are supposed to have different lighting? just make it differ regionally in the campaign map then use cultures for different color grades.

- The engine suffers from occluding problems of the lighting coming from the main source, particulary when this one is located at a very low altitude (reported).

- While it has somehow sense, the scenes are small and having the sun project very long shadows that travel the whole scene is really bad looking, not to mention that the entity itself project its shadow from lower lods when located far from the player (reported).
*possible solutions would be to put a length limit to shadows (like kingdom come deliverance) or fade them away as the distance from the terrain grows (resource intensive?)

- Indirect light isn't calculated so there isn't any indirect shadowing, resulting in only one shade instead of multiplying and combining them.
*usually old gen games uses ambient occlusion for this, bannerlord uses it too but it's so subtle to being almost invisible.

- Again, the game can't render a decent lighting for the flora so recreating a forest is out of question.

- There's no light scattering.

- The game is too dependant to baked GI to look better, improve base lighting.

- Artificial lights do not cast shadows, how is this even possible todays? they are already ingame, bugged but you can enable them and they looks superb:

- There's no three point lighting but it's faked in the menus, isn't better to just add it to the game?

- At noon there's a sunlight multiplier blent to the sun altitude that makes the lighing looking like a nuclear blast.

- The shadows are too dependants to skybox and fog values, so having a blue sky with almost neutral colour shadows is not possible.

Possible misinterpretation:

- It seems that GI bakes only the sun arc assigned in the setting and altering it in the atmosphere.xml breaks the baked GI.

Surely I missed something, however don't take this as offense but overall the lighting looks outdated and needs some love... just watch manor lords for comparison, or the upcoming KCD2.
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