Modded Crash when I click on Character (mods)

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Yes, I used mods.
After completing the tutorial, everytime I press the character screen, the game just immediately crashes.
I do have some mods installed but the game runs fine apart from the character screen crash issue.
I can go into battles, move around the map, equip items (etc) I just cannot click the character button as when I do so the entire game crashes
This is probably the cause of my mods but I don't know which mods are responsible for it
Have you used cheats and if so which:
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 11
GPU: rtx 3070ti mobile
CPU: i9 12th gen mobile

Exception information
Type: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException
Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Source: mscorlib
  1. at object RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(object target, object[] arguments, Signature sig, bool constructor)
  2. at object System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(object obj, object[] parameters, object[] arguments)
  3. at object System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
  4. at object TaleWorlds.Library.Common.InvokeWithLog(MethodInfo methodInfo, object obj, params object[] args)
  5. at void TaleWorlds.Library.ViewModel.ExecuteCommand_Patch1(ViewModel this, string commandName, object[] parameters)
  6. at void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.Data.GauntletView.OnCommand(string command, object[] args)
  7. at void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget.EventFired(string eventName, params object[] args)
  8. at void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ButtonWidget.HandleClick()
  9. at void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ButtonWidget.OnMouseReleased()
  10. at void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.EventManager.MouseUp()
  11. at void TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.UIContext.UpdateInput(InputType handleInputs)
  12. at void TaleWorlds.ScreenSystem.ScreenManager.Update()
  13. at void TaleWorlds.ScreenSystem.ScreenManager.Tick_Patch2(float dt, bool activeMouseVisible)

Inner Exception information
Type: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Message: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index
Source: mscorlib
  1. at new TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection.CharacterDeveloper.CharacterDeveloperVM(Action closeCharacterDeveloper)
  2. at void SandBox.GauntletUI.GauntletCharacterDeveloperScreen.TaleWorlds.Core.IGameStateListener.OnActivate()
  3. at void TaleWorlds.Core.GameState.HandleActivate()
  4. at void TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.OnPushState(GameState gameState)
  5. at void TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.DoGameStateJobs()
  6. at void TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.PushState(GameState gameState, int level)
Installed Modules:
This crash did happen because of the mods installed. If you can reproduce the issue in a new and un-modded campaign please let us know! Please note that we can’t support any modding-related issues. You can find more information about how to remove modifications here.
In case anyone else sees this. I had the same issue + similar mods.After a lot of tests i fixed the problem by setting my character age to 21+. This is a detailed character creation option , slide bar on character creation. Weird , few patches ago that was never an issue and i could start the campaign younger. Ow well...
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