Recent content by oberon4

  1. how to start?

    take a look on the beginners guide in the stickies
  2. playing campaign map only

    Of course I have seen all the mentioned scenes, I'm straight upright appealed so to say :grin:

    that is the reason I miss them after 100h in. Now I play only over menu. I'm missing something in the scenes that makes me coming back for more adventures and worthy quests.

    How about more in-scene-quests like freeing a condemned (could add a new companion), Rob a shop, steal a ship, kidnap a noble for ransom (being pursued then for example), ambush the tax collector or beat the local bully.
    And more instant duels (no drunks) with varying difficulty and really good items for a win.

    Also more cinematics would be great like marching parade into a defeated thief, important feasts or even seeing your population get on their knees for ovations  :mrgreen:

    Sounds like lots of work though :shock:
  3. playing campaign map only

    Hi guys, just curious whether I am the only one playing on campaign map only never walk around towns, villages or castles. I looked around but couldn't see a real reason doing so. Everything required is accessible via menu, which is good ... and bad for total immersion and for countless hours...
  4. Post Battle Menue

    leaving dead bodies throughout the country costs honor, seams reasonable. That this takes time also. Easy way out is capture them in the loot menu, later talk to them and release (2nd dialoge option). That gives way more honor than you loose with leaving dead bodies. Simply no need to bury them. Try it.

  5. Army upkeep is anti-fun

    Its not to directly mod when there is simply something to improve in your own gameplay.
    Upkeep is fine, 10-15% elite warriors, rest lowskill, though you need enterprises, towns, villages for the upkeep. Thats fine for me having a strong army and the only way.
    Clearly there is no way to compete with land-owning lords if you are lacking fundamental financing...
    Having much food variaty and rests and winning battles is all you need for a continous morale 90+. No need to party or whoring. I never retreat from battle, avoid that with all tricks I admit.

    At the end fun is different to each of us, an impossible task for modders to do it right for everybody.
  6. Romano-British Empire

    guess I'm only too fast-paced to view the real beauty,  goes pretty quick when in for many many hours  :grin:
  7. Romano-British Empire

    after the romans left britannia wasn't there much more arms and armors left in real than in BW ?
    Seems in BW is not much left after ~400 years roman empire excepts hadrians and ruins. For historical accuracy there should be much more places, towns, villas, streets, aquaducts and cultural impacts. However not sure how fast this was all gone around 200 years later.

  8. Brytenwalda German Version?!

    the german word for seax is sax, not sure I understand the question though :wink:
  9. BUG Reports v 1.39 (Read first page before post)

    Saw it in older versions. Relaunching game usually helps (until it happens again).

    I saw it also before 1.39, reloading savegame was enough for me, or leaving the coast for some miles and trying to disembark again. Seems there is some bug-promoting radius when this has happened. I got used to save after every (successfull) click while on sea which saves a lot of time overall.
  10. Brytenwalda German Version?!

    5. Ich wuerd auch vorschlagen. ein Referenztext zu schreiben fuer einen sprachstil, sonst sieht das nachher uneinheitlich aus.
    6. Und ein dictionary fuer standard vokabeln, sonst werden diese jeweils anders uebersetzt was sehr verwirrend ist.

    5. I suggest writing a small reference-text for a common language-style.
    6. a small dictionay for the most-used words to avoid different translations which could be confusing.

    Would like to help but lacking time atm  :sad:
  11. Brytenwalda German Version?!

    no idea if it helps at all but you can change the font if öäü does not exist in the current

    However given historical correctness I do not think these are absolutely required, writings were written as spoken, this would give the game some realism however might be difficult to understand today  :wink:

    Tho roman types were the most commonly used I know.
  12. News 1.39: Release Date

    next is the taleworlds forum down while everybody is refreshing over and over  :razz:
  13. BUG Reports v 1.38 (Read first page before post)

    haven't found a better place for these:

    1. my supply wagon got eliminated while travelling, now I cannot build a new one in camp menu (dialoge option missing). A problem currently as I have 400+ army and can only store food for 5 days in the remaining inventory slots. (inventory skill=:cool:. Havent looted since ages because of this :sad:

    2. it should be possible to sell all prisoners at once at the court like with the ransom dealer in meadhall. Bit annoying when you have 100 prisoners to sell one by one every day or two. I use prisoners to compensate 1.

    3. Seems at later stages of the game (600+ days) I find mostly horsemen in tavern and rarely heavy infantry which is what I am looking for. This could well be only my impression.

    4. I tend to ignore the armory at the court, not sure what is this for (I read it is simply a storage in forums), I see a "-109000" scillingas at the bottom. Do I have unkown debts :shock:

    Thanks, and of course, keep on. I am repeating myself ... but best gaming experience since a very long time  :grin:

  14. ideas on game concept improvements

    I am thinking as of the migrations period is about economics as kind of "hey ... over there it is much greener than here. Let's go there!"  :arrow:

    If you are hungry, you go where the food is. On a higher level the needs get bigger, places of people started growing together to villages.
    Always better than sitting in a muddy, moisty and icy spot  :sad:
    Big empires were built ontop of economical advantages.

    It would be great if one can found own villages which would reflect the dynamic part of the scenario. After a time abonded villages or towns and become ruins for hunting "Agard the throat-cutter" (named bandit) quests  :cool:

    At the end it really comes down to imagination, leaving enough space in the game at the right places so that one fill it out with fantasy  :idea:
  15. ideas on game concept improvements

    Having too much time currently I had a few thoughts to help the immersion aspect that might or might not be worth to share. I have doubts some things are moddable. Also a bit micro-intensive for most people I guess. 1. Starvation problems and deseases (everybody is optimal health huh ?!)...
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