Romano-British Empire

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I tried that with 1.38 till the patch came out. I'm been playing kinda a lot of Imperium Romanum and Vikingr once or twice though I come to Brytenwalda.  :grin:

Is there a quest you get at Hadrian's Wall and if so what do you have to do?
after the romans left britannia wasn't there much more arms and armors left in real than in BW ?
Seems in BW is not much left after ~400 years roman empire excepts hadrians and ruins. For historical accuracy there should be much more places, towns, villas, streets, aquaducts and cultural impacts. However not sure how fast this was all gone around 200 years later.

guess I'm only too fast-paced to view the real beauty,  goes pretty quick when in for many many hours  :grin:
Since we are speaking about reviving old cultures... Are there any features to revive celt druidism?
You could try venturing out to the stone formations in Wales. I haven't visited that yet, but if there's a quest about reviving Celtic paganism I suppose that's the first place to look.
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