Brytenwalda German Version?!

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Hey buddys,

first of all: You are doing a great job with this mod...i´ve been playing M&B only for Brytenwalda for a couple of weeks and it´s amazing! Keep up the good work.

Now my question: I saw that you (sry for my english, with "you" i mean the full team or the ppl behind Brytenwalda) successful translated the mod into french and english of course. What about german, too? If you need some helping hands or support translating all the text, quest and stuff into german: Here we go! :smile: It would be a pleasure for me to help you out with something to bump that amazing mod forward and to keep it interesting. Im pretty sure there are a lot of german folks here, that would love the idea of a german brytenwalda version.

Just get in touch with me, if you like that idea. I worked in a lot of different groups creating Fallout modifications so i can bring some experience with me.
Anyway, if there is no need for this right now, it´s okay for me... :smile: In the matter of fact i just wanted to tell you guys my tribute and keep up the good work! :smile:


BTW: If this topic is wrong or shouldn´t i post in here, i beg pardon. Been a while that i visited this forum. Pls move it as you will or delete it if there is something against forum terms. Thanks!
I would really appreciate that buddy... :smile:

Do you or your team have some contact data? Instant Messanger? Steam or XFire would be vanilla... :grin:

have you started the translation?

i started yesterday with the new version
skins. item_modefieres, gactions, Party_templates, questes hints, skills and ui are translated
ok i must test them, but i think we can work together if you want


ich hab damit keine problme allerdings weiß ich nochn icht genau ob ich auch mit den richtigen dateine arbeite übersetze fast alles von der französichen übersetzung aus^^

umlaute machen mir massive problme da die irgendie nicht übernommen werden

game menu und stings sowie dialogs werden noch ein wenig arbeit auch die menüführung von brytenwalder finde ich irgendwie nicht so ganz^^

wenn du was übernehmen willst nur zu^^
i´ll keep this in english for the moment so Idibil can follow:
Goban, how´s it working in detail? i have no idea about where to find the text which has to be translated  :oops: (absolute noobie concerning such things).
if someone could give me lets say something like a word-document e.g. i shall be of some help maybe. or a little tutorial how to do it?  :neutral:
never "scripted" a pc game or something like this...
just tell me how i can help (if i can help and the "tutorial is not more work than the translation itself) and i´ll translate some stuff for you guys.
OK we have the same problem because i don't know where the English strings are

i translate it from the francefiles but i would know where are the string it would make it easier i hope anybody can help us

and i hope for an solution for my problem with the äöü... I've read that i should open the files with an editor because other programs have problems but it doesn't works :sad:
no idea if it helps at all but you can change the font if öäü does not exist in the current

However given historical correctness I do not think these are absolutely required, writings were written as spoken, this would give the game some realism however might be difficult to understand today  :wink:

Tho roman types were the most commonly used I know.
Idibil, i would suggest the following steps in order to get a coordinated "german translation workshop":

1. you decide how many people and who will work on it (depending on the amount of people asking you for it)
2. the (english) file is being splitted in a certain amount of parts correlating with the amount of translators
3. you set a deadline for the translations
4. you put the parts together for the final file

ok? other suggestion? so far 3 people willing to do the job, right?

oberon4 said:
no idea if it helps at all but you can change the font if öäü does not exist in the current

However given historical correctness I do not think these are absolutely required, writings were written as spoken, this would give the game some realism however might be difficult to understand today  :wink:

Tho roman types were the most commonly used I know.

well i think i take the old German style ä=ae  ö=oe and ü=ue.... so it is a little bit more historically too :wink:  but thanks 
5. Ich wuerd auch vorschlagen. ein Referenztext zu schreiben fuer einen sprachstil, sonst sieht das nachher uneinheitlich aus.
6. Und ein dictionary fuer standard vokabeln, sonst werden diese jeweils anders uebersetzt was sehr verwirrend ist.

5. I suggest writing a small reference-text for a common language-style.
6. a small dictionay for the most-used words to avoid different translations which could be confusing.

Would like to help but lacking time atm  :sad:
well i begun yesterday with the dialogs.csv it is a lot of stuff

to do:

dialogs.csv (i work on it)
troops.csv (it is a little bit difficult because only part of names should be translated)
hints.csv.... i do not think we get it really translate all of them, any gets more reasonable rates in English

all other parts i translated in last two days and tested some of them... 

oberon4 said:
5. Ich wuerd auch vorschlagen. ein Referenztext zu schreiben fuer einen sprachstil, sonst sieht das nachher uneinheitlich aus.
6. Und ein dictionary fuer standard vokabeln, sonst werden diese jeweils anders uebersetzt was sehr verwirrend ist.

5. I suggest writing a small reference-text for a common language-style.
6. a small dictionay for the most-used words to avoid different translations which could be confusing.

Would like to help but lacking time atm  :sad:

Ich würde vorschlagen das ganze im alten sprachstiel verfasst wird.
Wörter ähnlich euch, eurer, ihre usw. sollten benutzt werden.
Wörter wie sir und lady können eigentlich erhalten bleiben da es titel im britischen sind.

Namen bitte auch immer so lassen, alles zu übersetzen  ergibt meist nicht viel sinn :wink:

I would suggest the whole is written in old language-stalk.
Words similar to euch, eurer, ihre etc. should be used.
Words like sir and lady can remain as it is in the British title.

Please leave name and always to translate everything is usually not much sense:wink:

one question for all i found different weapons but not one called Seax oder Long Seax oder Skramaseax


but some of them are in the game :wink:
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