[WIP] Dynamic Settlements

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Sneakpeak version: Dynamic Settlements Alpha 1 (requires Floris 2.55 Expanded)

A few screenies of this power in action:

Currently working:
- Advance village to town
- Downgrade town to village
- build new village/castle/town
- reassignment of fiefs, fief owners, market towns, etc. is handled internally.
- major bugs are fixed

- This release requires Floris 2.55 Expanded. So just copy the .txt files into Floris 2.55 Module folder and overwrite everything.
- Cheats need to be enabled for the new Camp and Town Menu to appear.
- Any settlement build through Camp menu option "Dynamic World Cheats", will get assigned to the player
- Any settlement build through village or town menus will get assigned to the owner of that fief. (These are really placeholders, until I get working scripts for the AI)
- If this version runs stable, I will release it as OSP, otherwise it's more bug hunting time  :razz:

Enjoy  :lol:
Updated to Alpha 1.1

Bugs fixed:
- Setting name when building settlement for player now works
- When building castles, there are no more disappearing villages
- flags should now always be set properly ( no more villages with visible defenders)

Still requires Floris 2.55 Expanded
Features planned for next Alpha:
- AI integration (implemented, needs tuning)
- downgrading/destruction (implemented, though not yet for AI)
- destroyed villages disappear (implemented)
- destroyed towns leave behind a ruin on worldmap. With quest to rebuild. (partially implemented)

Here's an early screenshot of the ai script at work:

Really need a naming generator though  :facepalm:
Unfortunately, I haven't reached a version, that's worth releasing yet. As I've definitely underestimated the work required to fully integrate this change into the game.

Improving on the previously posted code, I got to a mostly bug-free version. However, after adding a construction phase, it was necessary to start from scratch, as the previous code did not allow for that and for some reason, the construction phase proved to be a nightmare. The current solution is to use a temp party on the global map for the construction site, give it a settlement icon & menu and only replace it with an actual settlement, once construction has been completed.

Currently working:
-build new village&castle (for player & AI)
-advance village to town (currently only for AI)
-downgrade town to village (happens automatically, when town has been hit hard by war)
-destroy village (happens automatically, when village has been hit hard by war)
-Quest to construct new settlement, given by village elder (slightly different requirements depending on region)
-A settlement supporting construction of a new settlement will give for the duration all income towards the new settlement. So income from the settlement is disabled for the whole duration of construction (for player&AI)
-New names are randomly chosen. There is a list of new settlement names included. The names are sorted into the following groups: forest, snow, desert, plain
-New fiefs will get scenes appropriate to their region. Village, Castle & town scenes sorted into these region groups: snow, desert, others.
-Dynamic trade routes updating to addition or removal of towns. (The trade routes are distance based, current limit is 125 ingame units)
-New town upgrades, including horse stables, which increases max trade route distance, allowing for more and potentially more profitable trade routes

-Not all villages are always visible on worldmap (some only show up when player is nearby)
-Sometimes wrong font size is used
-No scenes for construction site
Bugtracker on redmine for some other stuff:

However, the current holdup is the question on how to deal with villages&castles. I want to get rid of villages being tied to walled centers and replace it with a system, where:
-Castles collect protection money of nearby castles
-Villages do only transfer ownership based on relation. Not automatically, when a walled center gets captured
-Villages can stand on their own, but will look for protection from nearby castles. If no same faction castle is nearby, the village will look for protection elsewhere and gain relation with the closest castle. Once a threshold is reached, it will accept the castles owner as its own
-Player can raise relation with village like usual and have a new option to ask village to join his faction. (From 50-70 relation, there's a chance it works. Above that it always succeeds)

This should allow for some more interesting decisions, such as building a castle deep in enemy territory near their villages to collect protection money from them.

In any case, this last idea is not working as intended yet. Hopefully it will soon  :grin:
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