Will silverstag have all features from floris?

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No. If you were really into this mod and it's community you would have searched the threads for this excessively asked question and found your answer, therefore there wouldn't be any need to make such silly posts. I'm sorry for being rude, but it's getting really annoying when you check out your favorite thread and all you see is stupid questions from Floris-mod-aboos.

Silverstag has great features (some are similar to what was in Floris) but they are more tightly integrated and feel less tacked on.

Hope you enjoy playing!

Don't let Larmantine chase you away: he gets that way when 1200 Khegerits roll up to siege Dhirim
Yea there is so much confusion between this mod and Floris, Windy was a Dev with Floris but when they halted the progress he started his own personal project "Floris Workshop".  I was working alone at the time on Silverstag, Windy contacted me and we had discussions and we were both on the same page as far as the outlook for the mod.  Later we merged our work together and its been ongoing since.  Silverstag carries several of its own features somewhat like the features in Floris, but no it won't have everything Floris had.  Silverstag has its own unique flavor of never seen before features and mechanics.
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