Why No Falx in Stores? (Still!)

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For the first month or so after EA released you could buy a falx or rhomphaia in the weaponsmith or market, but then they were removed, never to appear again. Why?! Yes they are powerful weapons, but the most OP weapon in the game (the menavlion) can be purchased right from the start in any Empire marketplace for about 1000 dinars.

You can only get a falx or rhomphaia by making it in the smithy (and only once you unlock the falx blade -- randomly). These signature Battanian weapons are standard issue for several Battanian troops but unavailable to the public? Ridiculous. Please fix this. Thanks.
When my younger brother came of age in 1.5.6, I was able to steal a Rhomphaia from him. In 1.5.7 he didn't have one since he had archer gear instead.

My shop in Marunath sells Falxs though and has for the last couple of patches.

I think the Falx is for sale dependent on a towns prosperity, but the Rhomphaia is still the Bigfoot of gear(frequently talked about but never seen).
When my younger brother came of age in 1.5.6, I was able to steal a Rhomphaia from him. In 1.5.7 he didn't have one since he had archer gear instead.

My shop in Marunath sells Falxs though and has for the last couple of patches.

I think the Falx is for sale dependent on a towns prosperity, but the Rhomphaia is still the Bigfoot of gear(frequently talked about but never seen).
Good to hear! I haven't played SP in a little while and haven't started a new campaign with the new patches yet, so that is encouraging!
When my younger brother came of age in 1.5.6, I was able to steal a Rhomphaia from him. In 1.5.7 he didn't have one since he had archer gear instead.

My shop in Marunath sells Falxs though and has for the last couple of patches.

I think the Falx is for sale dependent on a towns prosperity, but the Rhomphaia is still the Bigfoot of gear(frequently talked about but never seen).
I can remember months ago when I got one of these in a tournament. I tried it out in a fight and I was kinda shocked at the damage numbers because nothing else came close to it. I've never seen one in any tournament since the first couple of months of ea.
Good to hear! I haven't played SP in a little while and haven't started a new campaign with the new patches yet, so that is encouraging!

I think you can manipulate the education of your younger brother to have him come of age with a Rhomphaia as well. In 1.5.6 he had a lot of riding experience and when he came of age he had one. In 1.5.7 I educated him with archer skills and he came of age with a noble bow instead.

I haven't tested this yet but I will in 1.5.8.
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I can remember months ago when I got one of these in a tournament. I tried it out in a fight and I was kinda shocked at the damage numbers because nothing else came close to it. I've never seen one in any tournament since the first couple of months of ea.

Its weird when you finally get one again. I used one for the early patches and have been using long glaive since. When I finally got a rhomphaia again I couldn't hit anything with it because of the length and swing speed. I almost wanted the long glaive back. About the time I got dominant with it again, 1.5.7 rolled out and POOF it was gone.

It was like having a fling with a really hot x and then being dumped back into the world with a boring, not so hot lady that I'm accustomed too.
The problem is that weapon and armor pricing in Bannerlord is retardly high and because of that higher tier equipment will never drop from enemy or appear in shops or in tournament.
I used some tweaks to put prices on Warband level and this happen almost immediately.

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