What would you do if...

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Claim Pangea ultima as my own and declare myself emperor of earth.

What would you do if a deathclaw randomly appeared and attacked you in the street?
Go inside the Pentagon's most restricted area, take a few pictures, and disappear in an instant.

What would you do if you found a wad of Franklins on the street and no one's there?
There isn't much you can do, at that point your **** is already dead.

What would you do with one million (currencies) that suddenly popped into your bank account?
One million in my country's currency (rupiah) is equivalent to roughly US$100, so there isn't much I can do (damned inflation)

What would you do if you suddenly speak Finnish fluently, but is unable to speak other languages? (Finns don't answer this one, I want non-Finns)
I would swear at people that don`t understand the language  :lol:

what would you do if you had to enter a super-duper secret hidden safe hideout of the USSR, to get a stolen sandwich?
I would play Back in the USSR on a stereo really loudly as I eat my sammich.

What would you do if explosives were suddenly legal for everyone (but killing isn't)
Finally be able to wear my explosive outfit, which is comprised of different types of explosives tapped together.

What would you do if your house was burning and you had to save either your significant other, your best friend, or a group of children that was somehow trapped inside the house?
I would wonder why the hell somebody was keeping a bunch of little kids in my house.

What would you do if the world were invaded by aliens obsessed with drinking all of our soda.
I don't have facebook

What would you do when you find youself marooned on a desert island (just sand, nothing at all, not even a tree) that isn't on any map (unclaimed territory, so to speak, so no chance of rescue) with nothing (not even clothes)?
I would claim the land as my own!The Cristo99-ish`s LAND!!!!

What would you do if, you had 1 bizillion dollars?
I would learn to read earlier and learn to say R earlier(I learnt how to say R in 2nd grade lol)

What would you do if you were able to travel in time?
pull down Hitler's trousers during one of his speeches. then find whoever wrote twilight and punch then right in the kisser.

What would you do if you found Narnia in your cupboard
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