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Being connected on the internet to people will never be able to simulate the reality of actual human contact. No matter how many people you communicate with online, if you have no RL contacts, you will be lonely.

I often read that internet turns people into morons, fools and idiots. That's not true. Internet only made people realize that morons, fools and idiots are the overwhelming majority, so they discarded the idea that being intelligent makes you a better person and should be a goal to strive for, and started celebrating their idiocy.
If the internet makes people so atomized and lonely that they see prostitutes-lite as high social status and are willing to pay for an extremely stretched illusion of exclusivity or even relationship with them, then we really should go back.

I was specifically leaning on Bella with that remark. Though, we're talking about people who pay for nudes, so, y'know...they probably are by default. :iamamoron:
Though, prostitutes? I'm not quite sure you can arrange for a one-on-one through Onlyfans. Sounds like something that'd get you shut down faster than trying to open social program in South America.

I fear for the future.

The surfacing of a couple extra bugs in the social programming of shut-ins is not what's going to have a detritus effect on the future, you old fart.
Loneliness is pure existence, therein the horror. You might as well embrace it.
Friends, family... art, is just distractions from the cosmic void of resolute darkness.
You will never truly know someone, and no one will ever know you.
We push and push. Fill our lives with relations and objects to pretend it's full and lived, and has value.
We die alone, and no one else can follow us. Death is a road as lonely as life.
I'm all for existential nihilism, but the time waiting for death is more pleasant if we at least occasionally make effort to enjoy it. And you don't have to truly know someone to enjoy their proximity.
It appears that Bella Thorne joined OnlyFans and immediately got 50k subscribers at $20/month, grossing 1 mil in 24 hours. I suppose I can understand why people would pay for (semi?)naked pictures of a celebrity(?), but why do you young people pay for random girls when there's infinite free porn, soft- and hardcore on the internet? What's the appeal?
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