What is a Regiment?

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Hi guys,

This is a short run through of what a Regiment is. Alot of guys and gals may not even know what regiments are and what they do, so i want to just inform all that are unsure. Ok guys so lets start!!!


A regiment is a group/clan/community of people who band together and use teamspeak to coordinate events and linebattles.

What are Linebattles?

Line battles are Coordinated battles where 2 teams go up against each other and are both given a set of rules. Such as no firing when not in a line, no running off on your own and join a bigger line if you got less than 4 people in that said line. These said battles consist of 50 players to the 200 players.

How often are these Linebattles?

Line battles happen quite often most nights and certain regiments have more events than others in a week.

So how do i join a regiment?

Its nice and easy, just tap onto the Regiments part of the forums and then you have done the hard part. I would suggest downloading the newest teamspeak for ease of joining. Once you have looked into what you wanna do just message them over the forums or add there steam name and join them.
What Can i do in these regiments?

Well you usually have a option of joining the cavalry, infantry, light infantry, and the artillary.

Heh, and thats most of the info there basically. Hope that open a couple players eyes. This game is great but i have not been in a community as good as the one i am in now. This community i am in makes this games true potential come out and show you what it can really do.

There is nothing better than charging through a volley and getting your first Kill ina linebattle.

Hope this was usefull See you out on the battleFIELD!
yea i know its just to open up any one who is just browsing around the forums tbh. when i first started i didnt have a clue on regiments and didnt know what a line battle was at all until i accidently went on youtube and saw one. lol so maby there is a couple like me just stumbling the forums
this should be stickied.

because I bet 90% of the people who are new to NW and the forums haven't even heard of Regiments
Its very helpful for new players it probally should be stickied lol, and also before someone kicks off about he missed out Skirmishers/riflemen then i have news for you....THEY ARE CLASSED AS LIGHT INFANTRY!!! Fact.
When i was new to this game, i was searching for something like this.
But i was not able to find this.
Sticky it so new people know more of Regiments and have more fun together in a Regiment.

Gr RoanNL
This is far to helpful and a good idea to be stuck. Someone shoot this man for being a thoroughly good human being :razz: hehe but yeah sticky this up *****es!
Thanks guys yea,  i think this will help alot of regiments and new players. Because you can do so much in mount and blade i am sure there will be different events other than linebattles and sieges going on with all the mods out.
Yea but tbh in my reg, we dont just play on napolonic wars we play lots of games from native warband to arma 2.
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