What are you listening to right now? Mark V

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Tampa Red Bluebird Recording "I'm Gonna Get High"
Thanks. It's nice.

*Pol Pot Tribute*

I thought Now And Then was just okay. Even with the AI cleanup the voice felt very out of place to me with the new production. Hope they remaster Real Love and Free as a Bird with it though. Overall prefer the demo though neither will be much re listened by me I think.


I love the aesthetic, both visual and aural, of 70s TV show intros. It is almost inevitable that the actual content of the show will prove to be tedious or ridiculous to some extent, but nevertheless I love the vibe created by the intros. I remember occasionally thinking in the late 80s, while watching a 70s film or TV movie (aka slightly crap film) how strange it was that this was an era now past despite having occurred only a short time before I was born, recognisably distinct from the current aesthetic and one that I enjoyed but which had already slipped away from being relevant although I'd barely become aware of it, and it made me ever so slightly sad despite being a simpleton child.

70s music - specifically disco - has me absolutely hooked at the moment after I watched Saturday Night Fever in its entirety for the first time in early January. I'm actually considering buying Grease. The musical. To watch in one sitting. Not sure if I can handle it, having never sat through an entire musical before because of the mentally draining overly exuberant singing and excess of songs that seems to be part and parcel of the genre, but I'm going to give it a go because John Travolta is a god and I think I'm in love with Olivia Newton John.
The Danish National Symphony Orchestra makes these concerts with music from fantasy movies, TV shows and video games.
They're very popular. It's also well made, costumes galore, and with many good soloists.

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