Weapons & Armour

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Sergeant at Arms
Hello guys,

To help Kolba making this mod as accurate as possible and of course to give lot of work to modelers, Im starting here to upload some pictures of weapons and armor that would be good to be in. Ill also post soon a list of all that mentionned weaponry.

short spear - done (vanilla)
short gaelic spear - done
spear - done (vanilla)
hunting spear - done (vanilla)

ribbed spear - done
long spear - done (vanilla)
contus - done (vanilla pike)

contus v2 - done
hasta (roman spear) v1 - done
hasta v2 - done
hasta v3 - done
gaelic spear - done
saxon spear - done
fauchard - done

short gaelic sword - done
short pictish sword - done
large gaelic sword
gaelic long sword - done
pictish long sword - done
gaelic champion sword - done
spatha - done
germanic sword v1 - done
germanic sword v2 - done
germanic sword v3 - done

handaxe - done (vanilla)
pictish axe v1 - done

pictish axe v2 - done
gaelic axe - done
germanic axe
cavalry axehammer - done
frankish axehammer - done
two-handed saxon axe - done
two-handed pictish axe

darts - done
javelins - done (vanilla)
irish javelins - done
frameas - done
angon - done
francisca v1 - done (vanilla)
francisca v2 - done

cudgel -  done (vanilla)
cudgel with iron head - done (vanilla)
fighting stick - done (vanilla)

mace - done
two handed hammer - done (vanilla)

All vanilla, only need to be renamed.
For crossbow: only light and hunting crossbow, maybe a new one.

knife - done (vanilla)
scian - done
seax - done
langsax - done

falchion - done (vanilla)

All vanilla roundshields can be used with some reskinning (no metal border), eventually a central grip for infantry shield.
leather covered targe - done
leather covered buckle
leather covered shield
leather covered oval shield
leather covered rectangular shield
leather covered square shield
square shield - done
H shaped shield - done
rectangular shield
rectangular large shield
caledonian shield - done
caledonian long shield - done
crodda round shield - done
wooden shield - done (vanilla)

round scutum - done
oval scutum - done
large oval scutum - done
cavalry round scutum - done
cavalry oval scutum - done
germanic shield
germanic large shield

hood v1 - done (vanilla)
hood v2 - done
hood v3 - done

phrygian cap v1 - done
phrygian cap v2 - done
phrygian cap v3 - done
phrygian cap v4 - done
phrygian cap v5 - done
phrygian cap v6 - done
phrygian cap v7 - done
phrygian cap v8 - done

pannonian hat - done
boiled leather bowl - done
boiled leather cap - vanilla
skullcap - vanilla
skull iron cap - vanilla

horn helmet - done
gaelic bowl helmet - done
gaelic helmet - done
gaelic heavy helmet
gaelic crested helmet - done
bowl helmet v1 - vanilla
bowl helmet v2 - vanilla
bowl helmet v3 - done

bowl helmet v4
bowl ridge helmet
light ridge helmet - done
heavy ridge helmet - done

crested light ridge helmet
crested heavy ridge helmet
superior ridge helmet
briton helmet v1
briton helmet v2
briton crested helmet
bernician light helmet
bernician helmet - need reskinning
blackened bernician helmet - done
light spangenhelm - done
spangenhelm - done
superior spangenhelm - done
crested spangenhelm - done
mail hood - done (vanilla)
cavalry masked helmet
germanic masked helmet - done
vendel helmet v1 - done
vendel helmet v2
vendel helmet v3
valsgarde helmet - done
superior valsgarde helmet

leather armor(s) - need reskinning
padded leather armor - done (vanilla)
padded armor - done
gaelic padded armor v1 - done
gaelic padded armor v2
gaelic leather armor
byrnie v1 - done (vanilla)
byrnie v2 - done

mail armor - done (vanilla)
gaelic scale armor v1 - done
gaelic scale armor v2
gaelic scale armor v3
lorica hamata v1 - done
lorica hamata v2
superior lorica hamata
lorica squamata v1
lorica squamata v2
superior lorica squamata
scale belt
lamellar armor - done

leg wraps - done
gaelic shoes - done
pictish shoes - done
leather ocrae
gaelic leg plates v1 - done
gaelic leg plates v2 - done
leather gauntlets - vanilla
ocrae v1
ocrae v2
superior ocrae
splinted leather guards - vanilla

Gaelic longknife, blade size 40cm. Just imagine a solid wood or bone handle on this one.

Seax and scramasax
Here you have a selection of three germanic war knives, the famous seax. The upper one is one a later type.
Middle one can eventually be termed a 'scramasax' if found in frankish context.

Irish long swords
Here some exemple, some (including second one who could be a '2 handed and half' sword) may be "champion" weapons used in a specific martial art, note that the blade is nearly square at the base and larger at the top.
Handle would be made of bone or wood.

Irish short sword
Irish short swords were more common. Here some exemplaries, blade around 40cm.

Irish large sword
Some of those short swords beeing really large.

Pictish long sword
Picts tend to use short swords aswell, but here is an exemple of a probable pictish long sword (in f).


Reproduction by Heron Armoury.

Germanic sword
Here some exemples of VIth century germanic swords.
Last one is pattern-welded, made by Paul Binns.







The spatha was the roman long sword (the gladius was dropped in the IId century). It evolved to became the medieval sword. Here an exemplary of a pattern-welded spatha (made by Paul Binns) that the Britons would have welded:



Thank you Agraes for your support. Modelers just started working on swords, so soon I'll post pictures.

By the way, I already have seax, scramasax and langseaxe - they're borrowed from 1066 mod (which is since time immemorial death, but I have permission).

PS: Agraes, does Imperium Total War forum works for you? I sent you there a message, and now it doesn't work...

PS2: Ok, it works now...

I've done this. If it is bad or you would like change something give me a message (it should be this Irish Short Sword:wink:)

I'am the "proud" on polish site "Four Ways Inn".
Good, I would see the handle with a tad more "wooden" look. You can have another version with a bone handle aswell.
Helm of continental origin. It can have a mail neck guard aswell. No noseguard.
Some had no cheek guards. Some were heavily decorated with gold, silver and tinned plating. Some also had a plume of horsehair.




Horn boar helmet
This is the 'Benty Grange helmet', made of horn and metal, with a boar and a crest. VIIth century.


'Dux' Ridge helmet
This is the Berkasovo helmet, dated do the IVth century, but helmets of this kind were still used in Britain later (BTW the Sutton Hoo helmet got the same architecture). This elaborated decorated helmet would only belong to the richest military leaders.

Heavy ridge helmet
This is another late roman ridge helmet, found in the Balkans area and dated to the IVth century. Note that helmet of this type can have a horsehair crest for some.

Bowl helmet
A quite simple helmet, but probably widely used.

Bernician helmet
This is the famous Coppergate helmet, found in York and dated to the VIIIth century. It is likely derivated from Briton helmets. You can have another of this type with a tad smaller nasal and no decoration.

Roman spangenhelm
This is the 'Der El Medineh' helmet, dated to circa 500 AD. It would have a horsehair plume.

Light ridge helmet
This is the most common type of ridge helmet, mostly used in the IVth century but probably still known later in Britain.
Some can have a horsehair or metallic crest, some can have also tinned, silver or bronze plate.

Briton helmet
This is me wearing a kind of 'crossmatch' between late roman and anglo-saxon helmets, as Britons would have worn in the Vth and VIth century. It has a mail neck guard but could have a metallic one. It could have aswell a crest or plume, or ridge.


Roman light spangenhelm

Saxon boar helmet
Helmet from Pioneer/Wollaston, VIIth century.

Some helmets from other mods, that can be used. Bernician helmet, famous Suttonhoo (by the way I have second version of this model, would you like to see it?), Vendel type helmet and Frisian helmet (your bowl helmet).

Good job recidivist! By the way one of my helpers - Diego, is working on Spatha model. If I find TheWitcher's screenshot of boar helmet, I will post it here.

EDIT: Here it is. In my opinnion, texture is little weird...


Coppergate helmet: would be good to see a lateral view of it, it may need some more details and a bit of correction. A nice thing could be to see how it fit on a head.

Sutton Hoo: excellent, only changes I would see are goldened eyebrow and silvered plates elsewhere on it.

Vendel helmet: excellent aswell, I think there is some other like this used in 867AD mod.

Frisian helmet: good, we did the same model for ATW, however I think another version of bowl helmet would be good.

Benty Grange helmet: you are right, skin isn't appropriate here. It should have a metallic structure and horn plates, not scales. Also it lack the neckguard (but this is optionnal). This scale structure was likely adapted from an Osprey drawing by Mc Bride, problem is those drawings are not always that accurrate. Well, I am as a re-enactor a bit of an extremist of course!
I'll be offline for four days, because I'm going to my grandparents with parents, where there is no Internet connection.
Ok, Ill post some more stuff soon... More helmets on their way, body and leg armor, missiles, a few axes, spears and shields.
Now I modeling germanic sword (or something like this:wink:) and this first helmet in Morcant post but I have some problem with wings.
Brilliant work!

For the germanic spatha, would you be able to do the pattern welded texture for the blade?
Diego's Romano-Briton spatha:

I read some Arthurian: Total War prephaces for factions. There are some great things (maybe I'll include some of them in mod), for example Urien's campaign of "northern coalition" against Angles from Deira and Bernicia, ending at besieging of Ynys Metcaut (Lindisfarne) for three days, while Irish allies, under King Fiachna of Ulster, ousted the Saxons from Din-Guardi (Bamburgh). Imagine, how history could be different, if man (Llofan Llaf Difo) of jealous Morcant Bulc of Bryneich didn't assasinate Urien. Maybe Angles won't stay on island and Urien will create another coalition with souther Briton and Welsh kingdoms (like Powys, Gwynedd, Elmet etc.), in order to completely destroy Saxons and Angles.

Agraes, could you contact me on MSN messenger? I decided about new name of mod and some other things.
Some more stuff. Note that I won't be around from monday to next friday.

Pictish axe
Generally know as the 'T-bar' axe. Note this is a handaxe.

Pictish cavalry axe
Same with a longer staff.

Saxon great axe (A) and cavalry axe-hammer (D)
First one would be a two handed axe, I guess vanilla axes could fit with a tad smaller head.
Second one is the axe found at Sutton Hoo, note that the shaft is also in iron.

Frankish great axe
This would be a two handed weapon.

Single handed axe, probably a tool.

Pictish two handed axe
Same head than above, but two handed axe. See here:

Germanic spears
I think several ones could be cool. Here some documentation.

Hasta (roman spear)
Shaft could be painted with several colors (see my avatar).
Lenght: around 2 meters with the spearhead.
First one from the left would be really cool.

Irish ribbed spear
See (n) on this plate. Would be good against shields and armor. Some other nice spearheads here.

This is a must-be included weapon. It was primarly designed to be thrown, to make the ennemy shield useless or even reach the flesh behind it. It was a weapon with a great fame among the germanic nobles.

That's all for now! Don't hesitate if you need more detailed pictures of some of those. I tend to post drawings or photos of archeological pieces, but it might be easier to work with reconstructions of those weapons.
I've searching a good texture for this helmet (Spangenhelm) because model it's done but I can't find a good texture.
If somebody have it please post here a link.
P.S. I have idea, I've done two version of this helmet. First have a cheekguards (like on this screens by Morcant) but second don't have it, it's simple head guard helmet.
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