B Fantasy [WB] GRIM AGE - Skirmish MOD is CLOSED

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For Grammar Natzi's I worry not

Sorry Grim Age mod followers.
Last 3 weeks I busy was work paid by.
So busyness my 1-2 weeks continue will.
Hope I to return to mod after this.

New pray our here is - "Patience we must have".

P.S. Fortunately other mod directions like scripting, voice acting, art painting, music making is under work.
Now collected enough halberdier sentences.

The next one - spearman.
Spearman are [STATE TROOP] [PLAYER] type and have next types of sentences:

Every province and city-state in the Empire maintains its own army, trained and equipped at its own expense. These Soldiers are full-time, paid professionals, usually drawn from the Peasant or Burgher classes. They man the Empire’s fortresses, patrol the borders, and repel invaders. Most Soldiers of the infantry train with either the halberd or the firearm. Although dominated by the nobility, the Imperial Army also promotes based on ability and it is possible to rise through the ranks to a command position (though the bigotry of the ruling class makes this difficult).
Outside the theatre of war, the life of a soldier is often mired in dull routine and repetition. Soldiers awake before dawn, quickly pulling on their uniforms, taking up their weapons, and hustling to the staging yard for morning exercises and drills. Drills vary from unit to unit, but often end with a forced march with full kit and armour. After a quick break for breakfast, it’s time to get back to work. For those on duty, that means patrolling. For those off-duty it means more drills. Soldiers practice with their unit’s weapon for several hours each day. They rotate duties to keep any soldier from becoming too complacent at his post, usually working in two- to three-hour shifts. After a late dinner, soldiers not on duty have a few hours to themselves. Most often this is spent drinking, dicing, and womanizing. The only difference for a soldier during war is that instead of morning exercises and drilling he is fighting. Otherwise their schedules remain the same. Routine is the backbone of military life, and many soldiers find the regularity comforting.
The largest affiliation for any soldier is of course his military unit. Whether it is a local militia or the Imperial Army, that organisation is the soldier’s fraternity. It supports him, trains him, protects him, punishes him, and tends to him as necessary. Within each military organisation, however, there may be smaller groups, and these are more like real families.
Beyond the military itself, soldiers may join other groups based on their backgrounds and interests. Those who serve on a local militia are often part of the neighbourhood watch or the city council, for example. Soldiers with an interest in bars and pubs—owning them rather than just drinking at them—might join the Tapsters Guild, at least as associates. Many soldiers enjoy shooting clubs and hunting clubs, since this allows them to keep their skills sharp even during peacetime.

As the name suggests these are men of the Empire armed with spears, they are also the cheapest of all the State Troops. Spears are a more defensive option and grant an extra rank of attacks, they are only really effective against lower toughness foes. Enemies who charge a unit of spearmen are faced with an impassable wall of sharp steel points. Spearmen are more common in the northern provinces, due to the cheapness of the spear.
Spearman is a true guardian of the Empire, despite his cheapest weapon in the world. His courage and steadfastness is an example for all recruits of the Empire's Army.

Spearman [ABILITY]:
[Сouched lance strike] - The same mechanic when you mounted, but need no speed and horse. You can stand and wait for enemy to string him on your spear or run with your spear at the ready on the enemy. Cooldown.

LIST OF SENTENCES (underwork):
[IDLE] – Jabber:

[CHARGE] – Jabber:

[DEATH] - Jabber:

[ABILITY] - Jabber:

[SPAWN] - Jabber:

OFFER YOUR IDEAS! By posting here your own lists.

1. Ha! They fear our wall of spears!
2. Where are enemies to pierce?

1. Let them taste our spears!
2. Pierce them like pigs!

1. Hold the arghhh! (line)
2. Broken spear again.. Noooo,,,!
3. Sigmar will take my soul...
Spearman [Idle] We marched all those miles just to stand around?
Spearman [Idle] Are your spears sharpend yet men?
Spearman [Idle] Where is the scum?
Spearman [Idle] Captain, when can we slay some of those bastards?

Spearman [Charge] Come on taste me spear!
Spearman [Charge] Chaaaaarge (but all units should has this)
Spearman [Charge] Never surrendeeeeeer!
Spearman [Charge] For glooooryy!

Spearman [Death] Sigmar preserve me
Spearman [Death] Aaargh why like this

Spearman [Spawn] Where here for a reason men! Lets get them!
Spearman [Spawn] Lets meet them on the battlefield!!
My 10 septims for Spearman's quotes:

"On duty, sir!"

"...And then this Tilean scum says that my spear is short like a toothpick..."


"Run - and I'll sting you in the ass!"
"Hold the line!"
Because it will be awesome to hear people die and cry out in pain

Spearman [ability] Form a spearwall men!
Spearman [ability] Hoooold! Don't let the pass!
Spearman [ability] This is where we make our stand men!

Spearman [Idle] I gonna kill more than you
Spearman [Idle] I heard those f@ckers are crazy!

Spearman [Charge] My spear will meet your brains you monsters!

Spearman [Death] The line is bro....
Spearman [Death] My spear failed you...
let's give this a whirl shall we:

Spearman [Idle] *snores*...uh... wo, wa?!
Spearman [Idle] When will i get to poke someone?
Spearman [Idle] join the army they said, seen the world they said...
Spearman [Idle] *Sigh* on guard duty again.
Spearman [Idle] I'm ready, what are we waiting for?!
Spearman [Idle] why are we waiting for them to come to us?
Spearman [Idle] i'm itchin' for a fight
Spearman [Idle] Spearman on standby, sir!

Spearman [Death] no surrender... (fades away into a death gurgle)
Spearman [Death] Damn this...
Spearman [Death] so much for that round of ale.

Spearman [Ability] Come at me!!!
Spearman [Ability] Die fell beast!!!
Spearman [Ability] I'm with you brother!
Spearman [Ability] Sigmaaaaar!

Spearman [Charge] Use the Pointy eeeend!!
Spearman [Charge] push them back whence they came!!!
Spearman [Charge] Together men!

Spearman [Spawn] Reporting sir!
Spearman [Spawn] time to get down to business
Spearman [Spawn] Formations!!!
Spearman [Idle] Does my spear point look blunt?

Spearman [Death] My soul goes to Sig...

Spearman [ability] My spear is ready!

Spearman [Charge] Lower spears and charge!

Spearman [Spawn] My spear's much better than that halberd! It doesn't even need to swing, just stab!
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