Warband Question: Changing Races

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Quick question: is it possible to change a character's race during gameplay? I have learned how to add races, and I am curious now exactly how versatile they are. :smile:
troop_set_type is what you're looking for, like for instance in the start game menu:

        (troop_set_type,"trp_player", 0), #male

which basically makes him a man, with 1 being female while 2 and onwards are your new race types

added a camp menu option and from there went male to female and back again several times without any apparent complications

        (troop_get_type, ":troop_type", "trp_player"),
        (eq, ":troop_type", 1), #female

if case ya later need to check if your fella's a woman, for example

gonna check how it works with using triggers and dialogs as well just in case


did a simple trigger that changed the player's troop type every 4 hours and it worked without a hitch

however when I told my companions to get their genders switched it didn't take effect until after the conversation had ended, which I guess isn't too bad, would be greedy to want them to switch right in front of ya :lol:
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