tournament cancelled

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Player name: Viktor
Steam profile (link):
Title to use: Bishop_of Vic
Have you read the rules and you agree to respect them at all times? Aye
_Osiris_ said:
Each round is settled with different styles etc <--- could you perhaps give us an idea of what those will be?
Yeah, it would be something like: First round as Huscarls, one handed sword and shield - Second round with sarranids and using polearms etc.
Player name: Grey_Warden
Steam profile (link):
Title to use: Grandmaster _ of Hospitaller
Have you read the rules and you agree to respect them at all times? Yus
Player name: Tallie
Steam profile (link):
Title to use: Count _ of Friesland :fruity:
Have you read the rules and you agree to respect them at all times? Oui oui
A_cRaZeD_hObO said:
ireland should have it's own kingdom title

there was the ard-ri (high king) in real life
you can always get your own title of places i did no research on, provide something if you want as long as its historically plausible
Player name: messerschmitt_eduard
Steam profile:Link /you already got me as friend.
Title to use: King _ of Slovakia (Hungary...)
Have you read the rules and you agree to respect them at all times? Yes.
Player name: Sharky
Steam profile (link):
Title to use: Count _ of Holland
Have you read the rules and you agree to respect them at all times? yes
Player name: Belendor
Steam profile (link):
Title to use: Duke_of_Island
Have you read the rules and you agree to respect them at all times? They are unreadable because they are too badly cropped in photoshop and have pixels scattered all around and within the text itself. I agree anyway.
Player name: SaBo0o
Steam profile (link):
Title to use: Duke _ of Champagne
Have you read the rules and you agree to respect them at all times? Yes, barely can read them.. :fruity:
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