The South Will Rise Again!

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a.k.a. UW's Simple Guide to Recruiting Confederate Renegades Patriots

Having trouble rallying greycoats to your banner?  Here's how to make it happen:

Confederates are notoriously pacifistic.  Besides settlers from the USA, there is only one type of enemy group they will attack: scalphunters (what scalphunters are exactly is a topic for another discussion).

Once your band is tough enough to scare scalphunters so they run away, use their terror to 'herd' them toward one of the areas where Confederates are common.  When a Confederate band attacks them, join in the battle to gain reputation with the greycoats.  Repeat this process over and over until you get enough rep to recruit.

Helpful hints.

1) Confederates seem to mill about in three areas.  One is the plains between Buena Fortuna and Kuhtu, another is the area between Bishop's and Cottonwood, and the third is near the river beyond the town of Benton's Mill.

2) Scalphunters seem to spawn near these areas, although they're tricky and so far I've only nailed down one SP.  This is the desert area near the butte closest to the town of Desperation.

3) Once you raise your rep high enough you can recruit lots of confederates very quickly, provided you have the cash.

4) An army of greycoats looks cool.

That is all.
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