SP - General The pregnancy system is awkward currently. My ideas on how to improve it.

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  1. Game has no problem sending pregnant women into combat. Even if they get knocked out.
  2. My character's wife gave birth and then was pregnant again 3 days later, while I was nowhere near her.
  3. Game has no problem making me fight my own pregnant wife in tournaments for people's amusement.
If a woman is pregnant, then she shouldn't be able to participate in combat, just like wounded troops are currently left out.
Game should also either make it so, that the wife becomes pregnant only if she has been in the same party or army or settlement as you. Or if cheating is supposed to be a thing, then there should be a way to react to obvious cheating, like divorce or something. But that could be messy to implement, since it raises questions about heirs and so on.
Also, there should be a longer pause between pregnancies.
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