Terra Nova

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I was kinda perplexed at how mankind had advanced it's technology, but they let the Earth itself crumble because of all the pollution. I mean, did you see how many factories (I think) there were in the Earth? How could mankind let it come to that? Couldn't even survive without those masks out there.
It's full of plot holes, typical tropes and bad acting but I find the setting interesting enough to give it another shot.

Also, it's throwing me for a loop that the best character in both Avatar and this has the same personality but is only a villain in one of them.
Austupaio said:
It's full of plot holes, typical tropes and bad acting but I find the setting interesting enough to give it another shot. and I'm really ****en fed up with scifi shows being this bad recently.

fixed that. What was the BBC show that was exactly the same, just on another planet?

Interesting idea they've got going there. However, as with all historical settings it seems they've screwed a couple of things up: Flora! During the cretaceous, in which I presume they live, coniferous plants were dominant and flowering plants were not nearly as abundant as shown eventhough temperatures were higher it wasn't exactly like we imagine tropical rainforests today.

Also, if they went back in time; the better engineer a damn good plan to avoid the Cretaceous-Pleogene extinction with that big chunk of rock coming at them, also; ice ages.
Nah. I'll play Original War, or read Time Patrol instead of watching this crap. :/
Austupaio said:
It's full of plot holes, typical tropes and bad acting but I find the setting interesting enough to give it another shot.

Also, it's throwing me for a loop that the best character in both Avatar and this has the same personality but is only a villain in one of them.

He will be the villain. I'll stake my soul on it.
I gave the third episode a go and well... It didn't make things better, that's for sure. This series is basically 7th Heaven with dinosaurs, and that's supposed to depict family values in a world where you can't breathe without any form of assistance and under a harsh military government which well might be commanded by the God Emperor of Mankind. Speaking of the dinosaurs, it seems the researchers made a really bad job or simply re-invented dinosaurs being too lazy to find the proper ones. Given it's sci-fi I can take it to some degree but what I can't take are their hideously stupid names.

Assume you're on the first flight off of Earth to colonize another planet and you see a creature closely resembling a bear. Standing on its hind legs, eating honey and roaring, would you seriously consider a name like "roarer" or some****? No. Nobody would.  Too bad though, I hoped for this show would be better.

Yeah, it's really not getting any better. I find it interesting that they used 'allosaur' are couple of times in the first episode but after that it's all cave-man names.

Dent said:
He will be the villain. I'll stake my soul on it.
I'll make sure to start watching again when he shoots someone.
Xanithor said:
Wasn't Lost about the fat guy and his friends got lost on an island?
You're in the intranets, use it.

That's one tacticool pt92.
I hope that stuff has some purpose.
Radalan said:
The rails don't have anything on them, ever. Those are pointless. The barrel piece doesn't make a good compensator. Basically it's a heavier, less ergonomic Beretta. FROM THE FUTURE!

Their rifles are original, at least, but still idiotic. Top-feeding bull-pups? Really? Notice that they never show anyone reloading them. IT'D BE A PAIN IN THE ASS.

The magazines are also quite small, so the rifles would be woefully under-powered (and apparently are, considering how the dinos react to bullets about the same way Goku does) and they don't appear to have any sights what so ever. This'd be fine if they were Orkz of course.

Not sure, it was only that scene and it wasn't justified or mentioned in any way. I think that was just for the slack-jawed audience who might miss that they were shooting (due to the scene being dark) if it wasn't really obvious.
What the flaming ****. The third episode was pretty crappy and in the fourth one they pulled the cliche "amnesia episode" that takes place in about every scifi series I've ever seen. And that was the fourth episode.  :mad:
*episode starts*

*oh, a little girl. I wonder if she's a spy who will eventually change sides at the end of the episode.*

*watches rest of episode*

Kleidophoros said:
Had real high hopes for this one, disappointing first season but it would only get better if given the chance I guess. Oh well..

****, I bet it was gonna be a big one for the second season. Well the news says that it'll be shopped to the other networks, but even that will take some time.
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