Taleworlds, thanks for your "awesome" update. Worst game ever, as always. I want to refund it

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Its time to make a guide: "How to uninstall Bannerlord in 5 easy steps"

(and it also crashed every time I was playing)
(and optimization is worse then on EA release)

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Its pretty bad.. I have no idea what was the purpose of replacing a stable 1.5.8 with this unstable crap. Maybe they were short of testers and needed a large amount of crash reports ?
It as a "Foreign Accent Syndrome" some people having it after coma, trauma or new patch, its reported in 1907 and they still couldnt fix it. So this is not taleworlds fault. Actually you got an unique language, be grateful for that.
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A year ago we were all excited, but in the end we got a game that was worked on by rotating interns working for free under the leadership of someone who didn't care.
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