[suggestion]Kick cooldown increase.

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Sergeant Knight
So I think there needs to be a slight increase to the length of cooldown between kicks. Earlier today I was fighting a naked fighter in one of the small ruined buildings. I was in the corner, and he ran up and kicked me. I went to swing, but before I could swing he kicked me again. I went to move out of hte way but before I could get far enoguh away (since I had to force my way past him) he kicked me again. I went to kick him back instead and he was able to kick me again before I could recover! It was physically impossible for me to respond in any way to a naked man standing in front of a fully-armed and armored warrior. I tried everything but I could accomplish nothing before he got in another kick.

It's not a situation that occurs very often, but it is still definitely one that should never occur.

Agreed. I don't even understand still why it was introduced into the game let alone how much people use it now.
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