Substance painter exporting options

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Hi, I am using substance painter to make textures for my models, but exported textures are just a huge mess.. I have these settings

Need more info, like what are your input maps?
Are you working with base color, normal, spec channels?
You exporting open_gl normal map?

What shader you using in openbrf?
What do your exported textures look like?




I think this is all you've asked for
I don't use open_gl maps but directx instead

I didn't apply any shaders because it would just make it shine and textures would still be a mess.
Ok, well I'm not 100% what you want to change, so I'll just start firing random info at ya.

Substance painter is mainly designed for generating maps for pbr shaders. Warband does not have pbr shaders so depending on what shader you apply to the material is warband will determine your textures.

From your export settings it seems you'd like to use a diffuse, spec and normal map. so your shader in warband will be specular_shader_skin_bump_high.

In substance I like to limit my channels to base color, specular, normal and opacity. Then change the substance shader to non_pbr. This will get show your model in substance as close as possible to what it'll look like in warband. (Tho it will still look different).

Most of the materials in substance are made for a pbr setup, so will look weird in a non pbr warband mode.
It looks like your diffuse and normal are going to be ok, so you just need to generate a better specular map to get that shiny look.

Direct x for normal map is correct.

So then the output
Diffuse = base color rgb + opacity a
Specular = Specular gray
Normal = direct x normal rgb

Hope that helps, maybe try generating your textures outside of substance first to gain a better understanding.
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