Strange Scenes (floating walls)

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- Bebbanburh has floating walls and buildings (not all, but a good chunk of them)
- nearby, the "fighter's camp" hideout has a very weird shape: if you straight, you end up immediately in deep waters  (and die). To reach the bandits, you have to climb the high rocks and go around, which takes ages (the soldiers coming with me died anyway in the water). It's too weird to be meant to - right? :razz:
koteko said:
Anyone else had this problem? Or my installation got messed up somehow?
I can verify that to be a problem for me as well.  As such I can't make ships there (no idea where the port is, so no idea how to find shipwright) and have to go to town up north to do that.
Adorno said:
Okay. Something went wrong during installation.
Yalen is a native town and not even in this DLC.
I am posting Yalen as well to suggest there might be connections between these problems.  I have tried reinstalling everything and checking local caches.
Okay. The Bebbanburh scene looks fine in the latest version.
Do you use Steam?

k61824 said:
I use Steam and will try once you push something out to it.  Thanks.

EDIT:  Scuin has similar issues as well.  Can anyone else confirm that?

Screenshots of Scuin (attempting Jailbreak) from imgur
Something very odd is going on in your game.
Scuin looks fine to me (1.01):

Since you also experience it in native something tells me it's not related to Viking Conquest (VC).
I'm guessing files get mixed up and load the wrong terrain codes.
A clean installation of both Warband and VC might be an option, unless others have ideas.
I'm currently trying to get the guys at TW/linux htread to look at it (I use linux).  Not sure whether OP is using steam or linux or whatnot however.
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