SP - UI Sorting and Dragging Options (and More Information) in Clan Screen

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Currently, it's not possible to sort or drag heroes at all in any of the clan screen tabs. I believe that would be a really nice feature and, before I proceed into detailing my suggestion on how that could be implemented, let me start by clarifying that all sorting and dragging (including troop formation - the roman numbers in the party troop screen) needs to be saved and kept across saves/loads.

1 Members

1.1 Family
No changes are needed here. No sorting would make sense other than clan leader coming first, followed by spouse and children in order of age, from oldest to youngest, unless poligamy is implemented, in which case it would be nice to be able to sort to list either all spouses or all children first or by family (by spouse), in order of spouse age or date of marriage. I don't think dragging would be necessary or even desirable here. Age or, better yet, date of birth (and marriage in case of spouse(s)) and level should be visible in the list too.

1.2 Companions
I'd like to sort my companions in an order that makes more sense to me than just date of hire, which is how they're listed at the moment. I'd like to sort them by level too but, especially, to drag them into my own logical order: my party's companions (surgeon, smith and engineer) first, followed by party leaders (high leadership and tactics), caravan leaders (high trading) and then governors (high stewardship and leadership). Level and date of hire (maybe age too since I think it might soon become important) should always be visible.

2 Parties

2.1 Parties
It's like this right now:

This would look and fit way better IMO:

2.2 Caravans

2.3 Garrisons
2.4 Dispatched

3 Fiefs
(work in progress)

4 Other
(work in progress)

I'm sure the kingdom screen could use a lot more love as well. I decided to focus my suggestion on clan screen, though, since many kingdom features are yet to be fully implemented.

I'll update and bump (if allowed) when finished.
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