Se Englisca þrǽd

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Knight at Arms
Éalá léofan men, hér cunnon gé brúcan éowerre ágenre reorde.

Húru ‘Eald’ Englisc on þissum þrǽde!

Cánan! Hwæt is betst on lífe?

Tó nǽtanne þíne féondas, tó séonne híe drifen beforan þé, and tó gehíeranne þá wánunga hiera wífmanna.

Þæt is gód! Þæt is gód.
Éadric said:
Cánan! Hwæt is betst on lífe?

Tó nǽtanne þíne féondas, tó séonne híe drifen beforan þé, and tó gehíeranne þá wánunga hiera wífmanna.

Þæt is gód! Þæt is gód.

Conan! What is best in life?

To scatter your enemy, to drive him before you, and to gather into your bosom his women.

Something is good! Something is good.


forwyrcaþ and ábréoðaþ mínne scénan Eald-Engliscan þrǽd mid éowerre Healf-Norðmandiscan wyrmtungan!
You cannot imagine the torture for me, poor italian, try to understand eadric posts!!

So for revenge I'm going to talk in ancient italian: Quello che giova al nimico nuoce a te, e quel che giova a te nuoce al nimico

I guess Éadric will send a PM, since this thread shall be in Old English o- oh ****.

I'll just throw in a random Hwǽt!
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