Need More Info Sandbox.View errors

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Yes, I used mods.
Summary: Does anybody know how to solve SandBox.View errors or where I can find someone who does? In my campaign whenever I try to besiege it gives me (Source: SandBox.View "Index was outside the bounds of the array.") and I can't really just disable Sandbox either. I am using a mod for identifying errors (BetterErrorWindows on Nexus mods).
How to Reproduce:
Have you used cheats and if so which:
Scene Name (if related): Any siege
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 11
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
GPU Driver Version: Latest
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5
RAM: 16gb
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): HDD
This issue only occurred when mod count (including Native) is greater than 5. Probably a mod related issue. If you can reproduce the issue in a new, un-modded and verified campaign please let us know!
Please note that we can’t support any modding-related issues. You can find more information about how to remove modifications here and more information about what we think about issues related to modding here.
Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
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