MP Remove damage taken upon "team hitting" defendant barricades etc with ranged or all together.

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The reason is simple , once the enemy breaches inside your castle and swarms inside its very easy to unintentionally hit your own barricades with arrows etc.
Here is an example of a possible scenario ;
Imagine the enemy archers etc have taken over the gatehouse and is right in front of a defendant barricade.
In the video enemy is not an archer but it could be and i hit the barricade on purpose but i could have missed the enemy and hit the barricate either way.

What are we supposed to do when enemy swarms in and is infront of defendant structure and we are at low health? not shoot? or shoot and die from reflective damage?

It took me a few minutes to understand this because of how silly it is. You shouldn't take damage for hitting a friendly barricade. That seems like an extreme. Maybe because people destroy their own castles barricades in multiplayer on purpose? But Then the barricades dont do much anyway. Theres never a lot of them...

Anyway. Thats weird.
it seems like some kind of an anti-grief mechanic on the other hand o lot of the barricades hamper the defenders more than the attackers.

While I do agree that friendly fire upon attacking a friendly barricade is good to prevent griefing, there is a catch to this. We all know the castles in siege where enemy players come from downstairs and are on G already while the defenders spawn on the other side and need to go through the top-side (FORCING THEM TO GO THROUGH THE BARRICADES AREA). This barricade is rarely destroyed because attackers come from the other side. So the defenders NEED TO BE ABLE to destroy that barricade...! This is something that really needs to be addressed because as at is now, it won't work well
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