(quest) destroy bandit lair

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Any one picked up this quest§? Supposed to find a band of sea raiders and follow them back to their lair. The hints are that it should be an isolated cave and near a stream. It says to watch for the ones that are heading back to resupply and follow them. Well been at it for a while and they are all just paroling the coast or running from some one. I am courting the daughter of the quest giver so I do not want to fail. I'd say it isn't very evident what needs to be done, the quest info under report should also have more details.
I've done this quest a few times. The trick is not neccessarily to follow individual groups of bandits but to do a broad search around the area where there are a lot of those specific bandit groups. Remember that you will have to go by the bandit lair pretty close to find it. Tracking and spotting skills will help.
I've found bandit camps when I had no quest, then I tried to go into the camp.. but when I got there it disappeared...
gypsydevil said:
I've found bandit camps when I had no quest, then I tried to go into the camp.. but when I got there it disappeared...
Same problem, found a tundra bandit camp and it disappeared. I'm sure he said sea raider but it is possible he just said bandits.
I'm not certain they fixed it cause it happens to me now and then, not sure what triggers it. But they did fix all the errors that pop up every 2 seconds in game when it happens.
Ok, do not take this quest and save after. After reading it did say destroy the sea raider landing and return to Alburq castle. I got the quest at a feast at the castle from the father of the maiden I was courting. I destroyed possibly 15 of those bandit hideouts in the 60 days, went back to Alburq castle many times and went to the quest giver who is the lord of Rivacheg.

I was unable to complete the quest no matter how many camps I destroyed. They are profitable but when you fail the quest in the end you get the message: "You have lost then right to rule."

Your companions also lose confidence in you as well. So if you accept the quest, make sure you do not save again until after it is complete, I abandoned the save game and started again. It's beta so it is expected.
Kazzan said:
I did the quest, it was to find a forest bandit camp though, there were slightly more than 17 bandits there though.

I was quite up to killing 17 sea raiders (though the "camp" in which they were hiding resembled a Khergit village a deal more than it did a Nordic campground)  Perhaps my math is wrong, but I'm rather certain I slew a deal more than 17 before I finally succumbed to their numbers.
felix77 said:
I was unable to complete the quest no matter how many camps I destroyed.
The camp you need to destroy will be blue-named, like the color of the specific bandit party you need to hunt down for the bandit hunt quest from guildmasters.

There's a bug which causes the camp to sometimes disappear when you get close to it, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't respawn (I've never found one again). It will vanish even if you reload, or if you use cheats to teleport right near it. So if it happens you're better off just moving on from the quest.
I tried this quest twice in 0.802 and found none of the reported bugs (not to say they don't exist).

The Sea raider and Taiga bandit camps I attacked both contained 25 peeps to kill -or so it said on the outside, I didn't count the corpses.

I have to say I like this quest, it's also a refreshing change of pace that you can only bring a small number of your party.

[Sug] Might be worth mentioning that this will be the people at the top of your "party menu" on the text screen before assaulting the camp.
I've installed the 1.04 patch and still cannot find the bandit lair. The quest was given to me by the Vagir King. He already had numerous castles/cities. I turned on the all-seeing map (Ctrl+T) and scoured the entire thing. Nowhere. There is no bandit camp. But here's something: just prior to my getting this "find the bandit lair" quest, I stumbled upon a bandit lair and cleaned it out. Soon after that I was given the bandit lair quest by King Whatshisname with the Vagirs. My guess is that by clearing the bandit lair immediately prior to getting the quest screwed me.

I wish the console would allow commands to push quests along, like you could in "Oblivion." There needs to be some sort of solution for this. I've had this same ongoing issue since before the first patch. None of the 4 patches have resolved the issue. I've started other games instead. But, damn, I had a great game going with the Vagirs. I was married and everything. Now the limit is almost up and I'm eventually going to lose face. It sucks.

Does anyone know if the Ctrl+T cheat actually reveals a bandit camp that hasn't actually been discovered? I figure that the lair spawns as you're looking for it, so revealing the map isn't good enough. But I'm freaking done with looking for a non-existent lair. I mean, really, doesn't that suck? To continue to look for something you know isn't going to show up? And there's no word from the developer either. I can only hope that I don't run into this same thing on one of the newer games I've started. Sure hate to let my Vagir Meister go...  sniff...
Back up your old saves before deleting or overwriting them - that way you can switch back later if you really want to.

The problem with finding bandit lairs is that you have to get REALLY close to them before they'll show up on the map (and the Ctrl + T cheat doesn't reveal ones you haven't already seen). All you can really do is scour an area where there are a large number of bandit parties (specifically in areas where you see something like "Patrolling the {!}Tundra" listed as what the bandit party is doing - that's a clue to a nearby bandit lair).

It'd be nice if you could either see the lair from farther away, and/or be able to ask some NPCs for clues as to the general direction. They might could even implement something like we get with the starting quest, where defeating/capturing bandits might get you some intel regarding the hideout's location.

I'd also like to see a more "search and destroy" feel to the quest, once inside the bandit camp. Running back and forth between spawn points is unrealistic and kind of annoying; especially when the Steppe Bandit that just spawned behind you nails you in the back of the head with a Jarid before you can really react.
Hey, just signed up finally. I've been playing the single player a fair bit and thought I had this same issue, thought I would post to help others hitting that breaking point of frustration. I went through many in-game days trying to find a Tundra Bandit lair for a quest given to me by the Vaegir Marshall, any time I just abandoned the quest to try and ask him for a different quest, he still had the same one for me. After much frustration I turned to cheats hoping to find it, searching with the 'Ctrl+T' cheat. I can confirm that using Ctrl+T WILL NOT find it for you alone. What found it for me in the end was on the character page hitting Statistics, Exporting my Character. Alt-Tab, then find the Mount&Blade Warband Characters folder in My Documents and edit in notepad your character's Spotting and Tracking stats to 10 (Tracking may not be needed). Then import the saved changes and with the map revealed using Ctrl+T search thoroughly around areas central to that type of bandit as guided by the quest's on-pickup description, groups you can see with Ctrl+T etc.

Without using maxed Spotting I'm pretty sure I rode right past where the lair was hiding many times. Yours too may be in a strange spot (Mine was in a cluster of trees in the middle of the Tundra.) Hope this helps :smile:

Comb those bandit infested lands, Best of luck!
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