Pseudo Canada Name Debate thread (NAME POLL UP!)

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Great principality of Nova Terra
Empire of Igloos
(minister's name) dictatorship of Redleave
Red lily colonies
Or just simply - an igloo
Carobeckian Seal-Clubbers Federation (C.S.C.F.)




And then seal-clubbers. Perhaps a faction-specific Seal Clubber unit that's really good at melee fighting with a club?

Or just Carobeckian Federation if seal-clubbers aren't welcome in the name.
Might have missed it, sorry
how about then Serene republic of Carbekya
Carbekyan order (christian colonian order)
Or in full seriousnes - Carbekyan trade company
:mrgreen: Northern Seal-Clubbers Federation?!

Eric9999 said:
And then seal-clubbers. Perhaps a faction-specific Seal Clubber unit that's really good at melee fighting with a club?

Some of these might be cool.  Borealia, New Albion, Ursalia, Vesperia.  "Dominion" should definitely be in the name.
I  like the CSB as it is.It's an awkward Mix of Canada and The South...I'm now imagining "Oh Canada" being played on a Banjo.
  • SFF The Sasquatchian Federation of Frost
  • ER The Eskimian Republic
  • PCN The Polar Consortium of the North
  • NCU The Northern Capitalist Union
Canada? Hmmm...Let me think of some classic names :cool:...
  • Federal Republic of Mesopelagia
  • Commonwealth of Ice-colonia
  • Kingdom of Scanadia
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