Post your desktop!:D

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It's what usually happens when someone first gets Rainmeter, he'll figure it out eventually.
Comrade Temuzu said:
Think Im happy with this for now. Im afraid I might clutter the whole desktop with random gadgets :lol:
Nice IP's. :razz:
FrisianDude said:
You people put way too much effort in your desktop.
I only get fancy wallpapers. Got about the simplest setting with rainmeter (and fences!) and been using that since.

Opinions? Criticism? Feedback? Suggestions?

(also, the desktop background pics rotate on a 30 minute cycle)
I used to do fancy desktops, but I've not had anything on mine except rotating wallpapers for months. A combination of the start menu (Auto-hiding) and command lines is about as quick as finding the relevant icon for me, so I don't even bother with icons in Fences. :razz:
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