
The Unofficial Mount & Blade Editor allows you to modify the .txt files that are used by Mount & Blade to describe many of the in game elements (items, troops, parties, etc). It is different than the official Module System because it has a graphical user interface and it modifies the .txt files directly.
NOTE: This program will not work with version Mount & Blade 0.800 or higher, and there is currently no plan to update in the future.
Download the current editor (for 0.730, 0.731, 0.750)
Requires: .NET 2.0 Framework (NOT .NET 2.0beta) installed
Unzip the executable into any directory and run it.
ERROR STARTING APPLICATION: "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."
If you get the above error when trying to start the editor, it means .NET is not installed correctly or you have the beta version installed. Uninstall the 2.0 version you have and install the new version from the link below.
You will need to install the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0. NOTE: Version 0.200 of the editor and up requires the release version of the .NET 2.0 Framework. If you had previously installed the .NET 2.0 beta version, you will need to uninstall it and and install the release version from the prior link.
roborob has started some documentation for the editor. You can find that here.
Download the old Version (0.731 only)
Latest source is available and updated every 6 hours. Use Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition (free download) to build it. (Should also work with any Visual Studio 2005 edition with C++.) If you prefer, you can also use an SVN to get it from svn://eudoredlinux.ana.usal.es/mbedit/trunk.
Here is a post that discusses some of the source code in the editor.
For full release notes, click here.
Future features:
* Add 'wizards' to make common tasks easier. (Creating Towns, Party Spawning, Hireable NPCs, etc)
* Add "Merge" to assist in merging different modules
* Add tooltips for all fields with use descriptions
* Add support for commenting
* Add better argument support in the operation editor.
* Look into better scene handling (entry points, etc)
* Add ability to save as python scripts
* Add global Find & Replace
* Add "Most recently used" list for Filters
* Add ability to copy subcomponents, like menu options.
* Add better editor for operations using text (parser, syntax checker, code completion).
* Add ability so sort any table
* Detect which variables aren't being used and remove them when saving
* Support sounds.txt
Known issues:
* Need to handle upgrade troop limitations and remove troop limit.
* Fix "Find" to work with all fields
* DPI setting changes don't resize the screen properly.
Feel free to make suggestions for features not on the above list.
NOTE: This editor allows you to modify some of the game elements of Mount & Blade. We do not yet know what effects all of these elements may have. It would be a very good idea to backup your savegames BEFORE using them with any modified content. It is possible that by setting objects to values that aren't supported that you may get your savegame in a state that it can no longer be loaded. Please edit responsibly...
NOTE: This program will not work with version Mount & Blade 0.800 or higher, and there is currently no plan to update in the future.
Download the current editor (for 0.730, 0.731, 0.750)
Requires: .NET 2.0 Framework (NOT .NET 2.0beta) installed
Unzip the executable into any directory and run it.
ERROR STARTING APPLICATION: "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."
If you get the above error when trying to start the editor, it means .NET is not installed correctly or you have the beta version installed. Uninstall the 2.0 version you have and install the new version from the link below.
You will need to install the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0. NOTE: Version 0.200 of the editor and up requires the release version of the .NET 2.0 Framework. If you had previously installed the .NET 2.0 beta version, you will need to uninstall it and and install the release version from the prior link.
roborob has started some documentation for the editor. You can find that here.
Download the old Version (0.731 only)
Latest source is available and updated every 6 hours. Use Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition (free download) to build it. (Should also work with any Visual Studio 2005 edition with C++.) If you prefer, you can also use an SVN to get it from svn://eudoredlinux.ana.usal.es/mbedit/trunk.
Here is a post that discusses some of the source code in the editor.
For full release notes, click here.
Future features:
* Add 'wizards' to make common tasks easier. (Creating Towns, Party Spawning, Hireable NPCs, etc)
* Add "Merge" to assist in merging different modules
* Add tooltips for all fields with use descriptions
* Add support for commenting
* Add better argument support in the operation editor.
* Look into better scene handling (entry points, etc)
* Add ability to save as python scripts
* Add global Find & Replace
* Add "Most recently used" list for Filters
* Add ability to copy subcomponents, like menu options.
* Add better editor for operations using text (parser, syntax checker, code completion).
* Add ability so sort any table
* Detect which variables aren't being used and remove them when saving
* Support sounds.txt
Known issues:
* Need to handle upgrade troop limitations and remove troop limit.
* Fix "Find" to work with all fields
* DPI setting changes don't resize the screen properly.
Feel free to make suggestions for features not on the above list.
NOTE: This editor allows you to modify some of the game elements of Mount & Blade. We do not yet know what effects all of these elements may have. It would be a very good idea to backup your savegames BEFORE using them with any modified content. It is possible that by setting objects to values that aren't supported that you may get your savegame in a state that it can no longer be loaded. Please edit responsibly...