Offtopic! Pirates of the Burning Sea F2P

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Master Knight
This game is going free to play.  I used to play it a while ago it's a PVP MMO around the Carribean and stuff.  You get to be a pirate, French, English or Spanish.  I'll give it a whirl since it's free now, you can meet me there!
othr said:
This game is going free to play.  I used to play it a while ago it's a PVP MMO around the Carribean and stuff.  You get to be a pirate, French, English or Spanish.  I'll give it a whirl since it's free now, you can meet me there!
But what if we don't want to contribute to the delinquency of a moderator?  I feel fine about contributing to my own delinquency, but taking othr away from the boards feels like a crime!
It's a good distraction :smile:

Just my sloop and the sea and plenty of merchants to plunder, ARRRRR!
Well I realized I don't have the drive to grind for hours on end anymore but yeah the game is pretty decent.
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