SP Native New Mod: A Kings Fate

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As soon i have my full version of this game, i will make a Mod for it:

New Features:

-Able to Build towns and castles. Castles will be a upgrade options for any captured/builded Town, to rise its protection

- Capture of other Towns or to plunder them for money

- Full Defendable Town + Castles, including a Garnison option

- New AI, thats attacks Towns + build Castles to defend it

- For every Town you have, you will get a weekly income, based on the town population

- New Stronghold for the dark knights (agressive KI)

-New Battlescapes, like Defend a Castle or Town

- New Arena Option: Knight Tornament. One vs One Knight (with lance, sword&Shield), winner gets 50 Gold, 20 Gold entryfee

After the first Version is done, im looking foward for the following features:

- Able to build several Buildings in every Town, like Markethall, Barracks (generates Troops)

- Different Castlelayouts, able to build bigger castles = more income and defense

- Diplomatic System, able to make Alliances, declare Wars etc

If you have any Suggestion, that FITS in this mod, let me know.
This is the reason I don't post mod announcements. I'm afraid I'll look like this guy. (to be rescinded if it looks like he can actually do it)
quixotecoyote said:
This is the reason I don't post mod announcements. I'm afraid I'll look like this guy. (to be rescinded if it looks like he can actually do it)
He can't, some of the things on his list are literally impossible with the current module system. As for the rest of it, it looks like he's got a couple years of hard work ahead of him...

There is allways a way :smile:

i made mods for Ufo: Aftershock, Neverwinter Nights, Warcraft 3 and Earth 2160.

This will be the next game :cool:

For my point of view, i just have to write some scripts (i can c++, java and php), the visual stuff is allerdy in the game, like the towns etc.

Expemple, the dialogs for defending garnisons will be a simple copy of the hero dialoge, but bound to the town (trigger: on click "Townname").

To bad that the demo dont saves any changes lol, have to wait until paypal makes my transfer
Darkreaver1980 said:
As soon i have my full version of this game, i will make a Mod for it:

New Features:

-Able to Build towns and castles. Castles will be a upgrade options for any captured/builded Town, to rise its protection

- Capture of other Towns or to plunder them for money

- Full Defendable Town + Castles, including a Garnison option

- New AI, thats attacks Towns + build Castles to defend it

- For every Town you have, you will get a weekly income, based on the town population

- New Stronghold for the dark knights (agressive KI)

-New Battlescapes, like Defend a Castle or Town

- New Arena Option: Knight Tornament. One vs One Knight (with lance, sword&Shield), winner gets 50 Gold, 20 Gold entryfee

After the first Version is done, im looking foward for the following features:

- Able to build several Buildings in every Town, like Markethall, Barracks (generates Troops)

- Different Castlelayouts, able to build bigger castles = more income and defense

- Diplomatic System, able to make Alliances, declare Wars etc

If you have any Suggestion, that FITS in this mod, let me know.

if you can really do that, i will congratulate you.b' couse i don't think that is smth easy to do.good lucl to you.

i will try to be the first to play it :grin: since , u 've written what i had always wanted in this game.
I think actually everything on the list is quite possible with the current module system. I might be wrong of course.
Quite a few of the things on the list seem like variations of some of the features people are working on right now, or is that just me?
Hey guys, we should encourage him. If we are not going to help him do it, atleast don't say he can't do this or that. Take the last day mod for example. Strategic war and faction elimination system sounds impossible at first. But when newer tools came out... it's possible. Who knows what his mod might be in the next few months?

Darkreaver1980, go for it man. I'm with ya.
fisheye said:
I think actually everything on the list is quite possible with the current module system. I might be wrong of course.
That's nearly right. As Winter said it'd require a lot of time to script all those things. But he has absolutely no possibilty to mod tha AI, build new towns, create new battlescapes, build new buildings in towns, or create a realistic diplomatic system.

I agree with meatbag999 that there's no reason to take him down, not even because he's new here : we had some very impressive first posts from some forumers on the boards. The problem is that announcing a mod without anything done yet, from somebody who obviously never really explored M&B's layout, seems a bit conceited. No offence, it's just hard to believe.
The modding community is always helping people though.
hmm, I think the biggest problem would be the clumsyness of the code, a lot of things can be done but your dialogs and triggers python files will start to look pretty ugly!

Still though I wish you good luck :smile:
I try my best. I looked upon the Files and found a way how building Towns "could" be possible, its realy hard, cos there is no function to ad a town by a command, i have to bypass it somehow. Its easy to make a preplaced town, i could just hide one and when the player gets near, he has the option to build it = new Town visible :cool: . I could place a marker on the map, so the player know where he can build towns, but first i try to make "real" buildable towns

Still cant do anything, hope my Key will arrive in the next week
Darkreaver1980 said:
I try my best. I looked upon the Files and found a way how building Towns "could" be possible, its realy hard, cos there is no function to ad a town by a command, i have to bypass it somehow. Its easy to make a preplaced town, i could just hide one and when the player gets near, he has the option to build it = new Town visible :cool: . I could place a marker on the map, so the player know where he can build towns, but first i try to make "real" buildable towns

Still cant do anything, hope my Key will arrive in the next week
For building towns, a simple spawn_around_party should work, since towns are parties. The problem is that you can't just generate new parties in mid-game, you have to define them from the start. And the player can't assign custom names to them in mid-game.

For building towns, a simple spawn_around_party should work, since towns are parties. The problem is that you can't just generate new parties in mid-game, you have to define them from the start. And the player can't assign custom names to them in mid-game.

Youre right, thats what i mean with no commands to spawn a town mid-game. I will try to make premaked towns and hide/move them away, every town gets a a variable to bind it to the player + allocated population for incoming gold. Than i make a dialog, where you can find out how many population this town has (npc in town) and how much income you get per week (variables are shown than). The Buildings in a Town would be simple variables, bound into a dialog, like the marketplace with +10% income of its town. Its all theroretic, i cant test anything, without my key.
Darkreaver1980 said:
Youre right, thats what i mean with no commands to spawn a town mid-game.
I think you're misusing the word 'spawn' here, at least for the way spawns work in M&B. You can spawn any party that's in your parties/party_templates file, which includes 'undeployed' towns with no set location on the map. You only can't add new parties to the code in mid-game.

I will try to make premaked towns and hide/move them away, every town gets a a variable to bind it to the player + allocated population for incoming gold. Than i make a dialog, where you can find out how many population this town has (npc in town) and how much income you get per week (variables are shown than). The Buildings in a Town would be simple variables, bound into a dialog, like the marketplace with +10% income of its town. Its all theroretic, i cant test anything, without my key.
I can think of ways to do all that, certainly, they're not that difficult individually -- but the whole of what you're proposing would take a MASSIVE amount of work. Which is why I remain sceptical. Ambitious proposals are a dime a dozen around here these days, whereas delivery . . . not so much.

Hi Darkreaver1980 - you certainly have come up with a pretty ambitious idea there. Of course you are not the only one - and some of the previous really big ideas are finally starting to reach fruition. Winter's Storymod has grown significantly since it's inception, and along with the Hundred Years War are bording on 'epic' (among others - not dissing any mods I don't happen to mention).

A lot of your ideas are very interesting. I would suggest that you might want to check out a couple of threads in particular, that are along the some of the same lines as your ideas:

1. Khalid ibn Walid has written an extremely detailed discussion of a political framework based on the kind of feudal, religious & city politics that prevailed in the High Middle Ages (1000-1200) in which M & B is set - check it out: http://forums.taleworlds.com/viewtopic.php?t=3372

2. To implement his politcal framework in the game, he has been working on a Mod called "The Lombard Leagues" - you can read all about it and track the progress until it is completed, in this thread: http://forums.taleworlds.com/viewtopic.php?t=6682

3. Finally, to get a flavor of what it takes to add a new city to the game, there is a tutorial that Khalid ibn Walid created. http://forums.taleworlds.com/viewtopic.php?t=5744

It might provide some perspective on how the various elements of the module system all interact - which is probably part of the reason for some of the skepticism displayed here - the code is all inter-related and sometimes obtuse - so what seems like a simple task, often touches many if not all of the modules.

I salute you for having grand ideas - if we don't push ourselves we don't improve. However, many of the folks who have commented regarding the difficulties you might face, are the very Modders who have been responsible for the great (and often complex) mods that are out there today - and they are generally speaking from experience.

That said, I agree you should be encouraged, not discouraged - and indeed it looks like quite a challenge, however if you can manage it - it will be a significant accomplishment.

So don't get discouraged, but also recognize that there could be some significant challenges to overcome in implementing ALL the things on your list.

Good luck

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