New Map Ideas

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I propose we make this the brainstorming thread for new maps, that TW can take suggestions from.  So, I've been thinking of two different maps that could be made. 

Map#1 (Night map)
One would be a small open village (like the little pissant villages in SP), except that it was just looted so all the building are on fire, which would be the main source of light for the map.  There would be a small hill that look over the village, so that archers could fire down into the streets and whatnot.  I could see it devolving into two seperate battles going on - one for the village, and one for the hill above it.

Map#2 (Fog)
Next map could have some lingering fog in the landscape.  Not enough to make it so you can't see a foot in front of you, but enough to diminish the effect of archers.  Lots of debris and whatnot lying around, to make little traps for cavalry.

These are just rough ideas atm, but if anyone has any ideas they've been cooking up you should share them here :smile:
The fog one sounds dead sexy.  :wink: I would love to play a map with fog...

Do you think they would have like foggy, evening, or morning maps in MP? Cuz they should, it would make the gameplay so much better... Siege+Fog= sahweet
I want a map with two accessible towers (Balcony, stairs to top, pretty much I'm picturing towers from DaoC), or castles, that each team spawns in or near. Capture the Flag heaven.
Kapt Torbjorn said:
One would be a small open village (like the little pissant villages in SP), except that it was just looted so all the building are on fire, which would be the main source of light for the map.  There would be a small hill that look over the village, so that archers could fire down into the streets and whatnot.  I could see it devolving into two seperate battles going on - one for the village, and one for the hill above it.

What are PISS ants?  :shock:

And I like both your ideas, especially the first one though, could be very athmospherical.
I wouldnt mind some more variety on the terrain. Possibly boggy or marshy terrain or desert/arid terrain. Also battles on coastal areas or at least maps with better strategic rivers. Forested areas would be good as well (although I believe it can cause some slowdown on lower machines in vanilla M&B).
tell ya what would be cool, a sunset or early evening setting in a town that has been destroyed and abandoned for days and that has a thick fog.You then have some players that would be travelers that walk through the town on foot with mostly nordic gear and battle it out till one is left. it would be like a ambush style thing to the game.
SteveO said:
I want an interior castle map.


i want some more closed in maps, obviusly leaving enough space for cav and archers, but with the main focus being on tight close quarters brawls.
That second idea is Infantry heaven :smile:

I would like two easily defended wooden forts, for CTF. For Battle, I'd like a hilly forested area in snow.
I just hope modders will be able to create custom maps-  if they can, then expect awsome things such as floating castle battles and Escher forts :grin:
What I would like to see is a canyon map.

Where there is a plain throughout the map, with a sudden river gorge running deep through the center. Would be interesting, no?
Regendur said:
What I would like to see is a canyon map.

Where there is a plain throughout the map, with a sudden river gorge running deep through the center. Would be interesting, no?

As long as the hills aren't crazy steep, because my computer goes ballistic on those maps, as I'm sure many others do as well.
My idea for a massive battle, computer, AI friendly map:

A simple standard random world encounter battlefield like those you come across in single player. This almost "bare bones" map would have its obvious drawbacks due to a complete lack of structures, but it would be extremely computer friendly for that reason. Also, it would be extremely AI friendly due to how ridiculously simple the terrain is.

This essentially bridges the gap between singleplayer mode and multiplayer mode by combining Single player settings and battle size with interaction with multiple players.

A lot of peoples computers would burn instead due the graphic intensity of the burning village :lol:

That's their problem, not mine.  Besides, the siege map currently has a huge plume of smoke coming off one end of the balcony and I've not seen anyone complain about that yet.
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