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Xaphan said:
like put tax money directly in the kings pocket? because i am pretty sure that faction chest system is dynamic.  But it would be easy to let say, take a percentage of each item bought and send the money to said king.  It would be a simple process.  Editing the scripts for buying items and horses.  Some math to decide percentage of buying price to send to king. 

I will ask Sanders if he would like this feature for Reality HCRP, this seems to be where my alterations are being used at the moment until another server makes a request for features.
Money will still go to the faction chest. but yes essentially tax money will be going to the kings pocket directly.
I find that Having a Power Figure in PW will have a good outcome in Roleplay.

i dont think i could send the money to the faction chest due to how they are linked, it would have to go directly to the lord.
A thought about the combat logging feature (note i know nothing about modding as i cannot script to save my life) Wouldn't it be possible to set on server side a timer that when a player is attacked and takes damage there is a block for them logging out and if they leave by any other method then their character is essentially killed and set back to peasant class without their money as a punishment?  And if they have a bank account with a load of money then they are blocked from it for 30 minutes or what ever of actual gameplay time?
As far as I see it, a server sided timer will effect all players, so player a gets hit logs out during timer, not only him but player z completely unrelated could lose all their stuff too because the timer is server sided, and is triggered globally.

I know danyele made the feature, but i'm not sure if it was pure modding, it could of been a php comparison meaning.

last combat time is added to the database on every hit, when they log out, php compares last combat time to logout time, if logout time is within x amount of seconds of last combat, it will return either a 0 or 1, which can be used by the module system to trigger, or not trigger a inventory wipe script. 

It caused major lag which is why the script is not in his bundle anymore. 

It is just theory, but he could of done it that way, which would cause lag because every hit would trigger a url send with data.

It could be done with pure modding which would decrease system load, if warband can keep track of client timers server side only, i have not tested (neg|multiplayer_is_server just server sided yet.  I feel it would do nothing server sided only because the client does not have the code, i'm not sure if the server will be able to divide a single variable between all players server sided. 

Scorpia said:
Whatever happened to Invasion of Avalon? Quit tis **** n go continue Invasion of Avalon...Now!

I was thinking of maybe pulling it up again and seeing if there would be a way to make it cool. 

the problem was people were confused as all **** with having to use the website.

And by the time they think they figured it out, they had to wait 30 or 40 minutes for a single cav to solo an armie of 40 bots. x 3 rounds.

I want the mod to be, freakishly hard rounds, all unique.  I had an idea to script full randomization of waves.  Have the server randomly decide troop combinations and numbers, within a reasonable thresh hold of player count. another change would be to make it more fun, and scrap the whole respawn every three rounds, but infact let every play every round, since the srver will randomly be generating difficulty, it makes sense to have everyone get to play.

I guess i will unlock the topic and go over the code tomorrow. 

Since i was thinking the same thing "why would i just give up on a cool mod i already finished". 

Guys, i think i might be bat **** crazy. 

EDIT: I unlocked the topic for the mod, I decided i will finish it. 
Anti-clogging doesn't need PHP features. The thing is a serverside anti-clog script will overload the cpu of the servers - so a only server-side anti-combatlogging is not possible without lag.
domipoppe said:
Just want to ***** a bit.  :iamamoron:

Nexus was a good server and I never said something against it, I said something against the structure and above this "too much serious" handling of things. Warband is full of trolls and this is it. You can't be too serious but also not too non-serious, it's hard to say for me and my English knowledge. Also I respect what Nexus did - creating a damn stable server but they had lacks in the listening to the community.

Oasis is unorganized and has no structure. Several admins keep abusing and the Server Owner is not active enough - nor he has the experience to fix all things.
Admins get accepted who were permanently banned on different servers. Also there are no punishment guidelines and ban mongers like A_Cabbage try to get banned several people for each little bull**** which is't even a rulebreak. But, I think the showing now of the admins will teach me more on how to recruit admins.
Being a Server Owner is cancer - but if you actually know what you are saying or doing then it can be fun to see a community grow.
Connor had nothing better to do than spreading **** that I DDoS Oasis - so I won't forget it. And what I don't forget - will be paid back somehow.
If there is one guy who I wish no luck - then it's Connor. I mean seriously, if he ****s up his own scripts which create lag afterwards he can't just blame some random person.
But gg, wp.  :facepalm:

Says the guy who ****ed up multiple servers and still rages and slams his keyboard against the wall because his little Pulse dictatorship fell like a leaf from a tree. The one that has no experience is you, even if I would be "unexperienced" I am still able to maintain the most active PW server, which  I've been doing the last year.

I work my ass off for this server, puting in most of my free time into this project. The server is FAR from lagging and is using the same script set as you - DanyEle's.

We run dedicated hardware to ensure quality over quantity.

PS. Something for you to look at: http://www.learnenglish.de/basicspage.html

chunky_monkeh said:
domipoppe said:
Just want to ***** a bit.  :iamamoron:

Nexus was a good server and I never said something against it, I said something against the structure and above this "too much serious" handling of things. Warband is full of trolls and this is it. You can't be too serious but also not too non-serious, it's hard to say for me and my English knowledge. Also I respect what Nexus did - creating a damn stable server but they had lacks in the listening to the community.

Oasis is unorganized and has no structure. Several admins keep abusing and the Server Owner is not active enough - nor he has the experience to fix all things.
Admins get accepted who were permanently banned on different servers. Also there are no punishment guidelines and ban mongers like A_Cabbage try to get banned several people for each little bull**** which is't even a rulebreak. But, I think the showing now of the admins will teach me more on how to recruit admins.
Being a Server Owner is cancer - but if you actually know what you are saying or doing then it can be fun to see a community grow.
Connor had nothing better to do than spreading **** that I DDoS Oasis - so I won't forget it. And what I don't forget - will be paid back somehow.
If there is one guy who I wish no luck - then it's Connor. I mean seriously, if he ****s up his own scripts which create lag afterwards he can't just blame some random person.
But gg, wp.  :facepalm:

Says the guy who ****ed up multiple servers and still rages and slams his keyboard against the wall because his little Pulse dictatorship fell like a leaf from a tree. The one that has no experience is you, even if I would be "unexperienced" I am still able to maintain the most active PW server, which  I've been doing the last year.

I work my ass off for this server, puting in most of my free time into this project. The server is FAR from lagging and is using the same script set as you - DanyEle's.

We run dedicated hardware to ensure quality over quantity.

PS. Something for you to look at: http://www.learnenglish.de/basicspage.html

Whats up with all the hyphens illuminati? Or "domipoppe?" Comas or periods are the correct punctuation marks. A hyphen is used to break single words into parts, or to join ordinarily separate words into single words. Not to continue a sentence.

Nova had one of the worst staff teams I ever seen and the worst server owners. A bad server owner is when you let your college take all the donations for himself. So gg, wp to you my friend.
Yes write some more stuff which doesn`t even rub my ******* Connor. I never said I'm good at English so I don't care :smile: I don't care what people think about my English same for what they are talking. Also: "it's hard to say for me and my English knowledge". Great.

You are putting not that much time in the server as you are saying. If you think you have the most active server, then it's because no one can be arsed to fight anymore in server wars. If so servers like yours will just hand out server refunds in huge amounts to keep players. Also splitting the community more and more would just be stupid as hell as it's not that huge anymore.

Pulse? Morris begged me for making a server again cause in his opinion "Oasis is pure biased bull****" and then he just ****s away in the hope that I don't know who actually played in this: You.

I was talking about the "ddos" not about the current situation as you could understand if you were actually reading it. You blamed me for ddos cause you did **** on your PHP, Python or whatever coding cause a good DDoS would have cut the connection of your server not just create some high pings. High pings are getting created through PHP scripts which overload the Mysql-Server, wrong network configurations and stuff like that.

Scorpia the team was good: It was experienced, active and good but Duel destroyed the team, the server and so on when I was not at home and later then when I left the team and yes I learned from Duel I never would put a guy again in the position like this. And a bad server owner would never have busted his "college" if he would have found it out like I did. I found it out and I shared it cause I'm not a person who steals things/money or hides the truth. Btw, hyphens are used in German to make a "reading break".

At all it's my view and my opinion and if you can't life with it then you can't and I don't care.

P.S Connor have a look at these:
domipoppe said:
Yes write some more stuff which doesn`t even rub my ******* Connor. I never said I'm good at English so I don't care :smile: I don't care what people think about my English same for what they are talking. Also: "it's hard to say for me and my English knowledge". Great.

You are putting not that much time in the server as you are saying. If you think you have the most active server, then it's because no one can be arsed to fight anymore in server wars. If so servers like yours will just hand out server refunds in huge amounts to keep players. Also splitting the community more and more would just be stupid as hell as it's not that huge anymore.

Pulse? Morris begged me for making a server again cause in his opinion "Oasis is pure biased bull****" and then he just ****s away in the hope that I don't know who actually played in this: You.

I was talking about the "ddos" not about the current situation as you could understand if you were actually reading it. You blamed me for ddos cause you did **** on your PHP, Python or whatever coding cause a good DDoS would have cut the connection of your server not just create some high pings. High pings are getting created through PHP scripts which overload the Mysql-Server, wrong network configurations and stuff like that.

Scorpia the team was good: It was experienced, active and good but Duel destroyed the team, the server and so on when I was not at home and later then when I left the team and yes I learned from Duel I never would put a guy again in the position like this. And a bad server owner would never have busted his "college" if he would have found it out like I did. I found it out and I shared it cause I'm not a person who steals things/money or hides the truth. Btw, hyphens are used in German to make a "reading break".

At all it's my view and my opinion and if you can't life with it then you can't and I don't care.

P.S Connor have a look at these:

domipoppe said:
Yes write some more stuff which doesn`t even rub my ******* Connor. I never said I'm good at English so I don't care :smile: I don't care what people think about my English same for what they are talking. Also: "it's hard to say for me and my English knowledge". Great.

You are putting not that much time in the server as you are saying. If you think you have the most active server, then it's because no one can be arsed to fight anymore in server wars. If so servers like yours will just hand out server refunds in huge amounts to keep players. Also splitting the community more and more would just be stupid as hell as it's not that huge anymore.

Pulse? Morris begged me for making a server again cause in his opinion "Oasis is pure biased bull****" and then he just ****s away in the hope that I don't know who actually played in this: You.

I was talking about the "ddos" not about the current situation as you could understand if you were actually reading it. You blamed me for ddos cause you did **** on your PHP, Python or whatever coding cause a good DDoS would have cut the connection of your server not just create some high pings. High pings are getting created through PHP scripts which overload the Mysql-Server, wrong network configurations and stuff like that.

Scorpia the team was good: It was experienced, active and good but Duel destroyed the team, the server and so on when I was not at home and later then when I left the team and yes I learned from Duel I never would put a guy again in the position like this. And a bad server owner would never have busted his "college" if he would have found it out like I did. I found it out and I shared it cause I'm not a person who steals things/money or hides the truth. Btw, hyphens are used in German to make a "reading break".

At all it's my view and my opinion and if you can't life with it then you can't and I don't care.

P.S Connor have a look at these:

Morris? That guy that was so hyped about FW... Oh that guy, you can have him if you want.

Illuminati, pls no cri, PW has enough drama already. When we were supposedly getting DDoS'ed we already moved to the dedicated server and DanyEle's scripts, but please don't compare the scripts we are currently running with yours, because dictator Illuminati wrote them with one finger up his butthole while writing them.
<?php if(isset($illuminati)) { $illuminati = '**** storm'; } die(); ?>

I don't want to start acting out of my place, but are just being jealous, I acctauly worked for the server, built it from the ground up. The reason why I am not as "active" as a couple months back is school, and having to do work to pay for the servers.

The ultimate evidence of you cri: http://pw-pulse.com/

Some tips: http://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Being-Jealous

Regards for me and Gwae :smile:
You are playing smarter than you are. This is my last answer to you.

[16:23:28] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: well I like Peasant
[16:23:42] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: we had some complications in the past but its all fine now
[16:24:11] Jesseownsyou: Hes a guy who doesnt know what to do with his life

[16:28:24] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: i want 100k refund
[16:28:30] Jesseownsyou: mhh
[16:28:33] Jesseownsyou: GUID?
[16:28:53] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: ***********
[16:29:16] Jesseownsyou: Added to bank

[16:40:14] Jesseownsyou: Any tips on getting Oasis even more populair?

[19:12:57] Jesseownsyou: I can't get my FTP function working
[19:12:59] Jesseownsyou: EU_Oasis
[19:13:16] Jesseownsyou: If you please could help me set it up

[16:44:49] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: but srsly why the **** did you say I ddos Oasis
[16:44:51] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: like wtf?
[16:45:39] Jesseownsyou: Well
[16:45:54] Jesseownsyou: Maybe it sounds autistic, but players already believed it was you
[16:45:57] Jesseownsyou: So I let them believe and I was mad cause you were more successfully
[16:46:05] Jesseownsyou: No point in telling them otherwise
[16:46:09] Jesseownsyou: They wouldn't listen >.>
domipoppe said:
You are playing smarter than you are. This is my last answer to you.

[16:23:28] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: well I like Peasant
[16:23:42] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: we had some complications in the past but its all fine now
[16:24:11] Jesseownsyou: Hes a guy who doesnt know what to do with his life

[16:28:24] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: i want 100k refund
[16:28:30] Jesseownsyou: mhh
[16:28:33] Jesseownsyou: GUID?
[16:28:53] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: ***********
[16:29:16] Jesseownsyou: Added to bank

[16:40:14] Jesseownsyou: Any tips on getting Oasis even more populair?

[19:12:57] Jesseownsyou: I can't get my FTP function working
[19:12:59] Jesseownsyou: EU_Oasis
[19:13:16] Jesseownsyou: If you please could help me set it up

[16:44:49] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: but srsly why the **** did you say I ddos Oasis
[16:44:51] [KoL] Willhelm/Illuminati: like wtf?
[16:45:39] Jesseownsyou: Well
[16:45:54] Jesseownsyou: Maybe it sounds autistic, but players already believed it was you
[16:45:57] Jesseownsyou: So I let them believe and I was mad cause you were more successfully
[16:46:05] Jesseownsyou: No point in telling them otherwise
[16:46:09] Jesseownsyou: They wouldn't listen >.>

I do not try to be an enemy of anyone, as you can see. Even though I very much dislike you after numerous attemps to denounce me I am still avalible to help you, unlike you.

Posting Steam chat didn't help you at all because the chat doesn't prove anything.

But oh well, You cri.
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