My Pretty Elevator

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This is a poem I wrote, for the love of my life: Elevator #1 in my apartment building.

"My Pretty Elevator"

I love you so, pretty elevator.
Never have I seen a beauty greater.
I need no woman, and I have no gift,
I only need you, my beautiful lift.
Oh fair conveyor, you are my soulmate;
Surely, we were put together by fate!
There is one thing in you that I abhor,
I just wish you would not act like a whore.
You let any man in as he pleases,
Don't you fear elevator diseases?

Of course, this poem is incomplete, for how could I ever encapsulate the entirety of my infinite love for that contraption in a poem of finite length?

Yes, I know this is a ****ty poem. And you know what, I don't really care. Maybe you'll get a few chuckles out of it.
A bunch of friends and I got stuck in an elevator on friday, scary ****...

The poem is pretty nifty, good work Phbbbt  :wink:
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