Musket accuracy, cross-hair, and reloading mechanics

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Hello, Vornne:

I managed to incorporate fully functional musket fire arms on my upcoming mod by defining it as a crossbow type of weapon, but I had a few questions:
[list type=decimal]
[*]I added an accuracy(99) flag to some muskets but the cross-hair is still very large, is the cross-hair size only modified through troop class proficiency's defined in wpex()?
[*]Is it possible to allow the player to reload his musket while moving? I found flags for cant_move_while_reloading and didn't include them on my musket items, but the player still has to remain stationary to reload.
[*]Is it possible to remember the last animation frame during the reloading animation? For example, on NW a player can move from point A to point B while in the middle of reloading, and can resume from his previous frame of animation before moving between the two points
Mophead said:
  • I added an accuracy(99) flag to some muskets but the cross-hair is still very large, is the cross-hair size only modified through troop class proficiency's defined in wpex()?

As a little example.

["pf_jager_rifle", "Jager Rifle", [("jager_rifle",0),("invalid_item",ixmesh_flying_ammo)], itp_type_crossbow|itp_cant_reload_while_moving|itp_can_knock_down|itp_primary|itp_next_item_as_melee|custom_kill_info(1), itcf_shoot_musket|itcf_carry_spear,
 3500, weight(6)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(27)|shoot_speed(250)|thrust_damage(155, pierce)|max_ammo(1)|accuracy(85), imodbits_none],

accuracy(85) Accuracy needs to be putted to 250 in order to get it to max.
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