Mouse not working (showing) in menu

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I recently bought a new computer.

I've downloaded warband, but my mouse-indicator, or, whatever its called, does not show. It is very hard to pick the right option, and join a game, when you have to guess where your mousepointer is :p

My mouse is steelseries xai.

The mouse used to work on my old laptop.

Does anyone know what the cause of this problem might be?
Hiya sarosu. I seem to remember reading ages ago that the cursor went invisible if you have the windows font size set too high.

edit: yeah, found a bug about it: He says he fixed it by lowering his windows text size from 150% to 125%. No idea if it's the same problem you're having though.
IG_M said:
Hiya sarosu. I seem to remember reading ages ago that the cursor went invisible if you have the windows font size set too high.

edit: yeah, found a bug about it: He says he fixed it by lowering his windows text size from 150% to 125%. No idea if it's the same problem you're having though.

Hello M.

Yes, it fixed the problem, thanks a lot :smile:

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