Last edit of this topic: 23.07.2019
Important: The game does not have any official or unofficial release date yet.
This topic is opened to archive all information about the game since the game is announced. My aim is updating this topic whenever a new, credible information comes out about the game. You can find all the developer blog links, official gameplay videos, trailers, and the screenshots that are released. Also, you can find some additional content from the web about Bannerlord like interviews or exclusive coverages. Please do not hesitate to send me personal messages about this topic on how to improve it. Or just to provide links to news articles that can be added to the list.
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You can find Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord on Steam. You can add the game to your Wish Lists and you can follow the game on Steam to get the latest updates on that platform.
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Developer Blogs
Gameplay Videos and Trailers