Module System Download

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Dark_Squire said:
Where do i put the file so it effects the game?  :?:

Try reading this first. You'll see everything more clear. They're 10 parts. In the Wiki they've been enhanced and updated.

Enjoy! :wink:
Swyter said:
Dark_Squire said:
Where do i put the file so it effects the game?  :?:

Try reading this first. You'll see everything more clear. They're 10 parts. In the Wiki they've been enhanced and updated.

Enjoy! :wink:

Just double click the .py files.  It'll generate a .txt file in the same folder, that's the final one that the game will read at runtime. 
I would like to request a Mount&Blade With Fire & Sword Module System Download, or whatever modders need. I want at lest some warband options back to go along with the new approach to the game.
So it appears Fire and Sword stuff has not been released?

I would also like to request that it gets released, thank you.

Leij0na said:
I know this is stupid question, but where do i extract that module system folder?

Where you want... You have to point where the final compiled text files will be made from your source.
The best option is to be tidy and make a specific ModuleSystem sub-folder under your module. Sort of:

Mount&Blade/Modules/[b]MyAwesomeMod[/b]/ModuleSystem/*.py  *.bat   ...

And later modify
to point always to the upper folder using this expression:

# Point export_dir to the folder you will be keeping your module
# Make sure you use forward slashes (/) and NOT backward slashes (\)

export_dir = "../"

Now, everytime you run
the text files always will be deployed in the right place. Even if your location changes.
Maybe the 1.143 mod.sys. can be put on the first page?
Hi Guys, I started going over 1.143 Mod System thought u might like this bit of info, wasn't sure where to post it, but here are the new operations from, I used winmerge to find them :smile:



options_get_damage_to_player    = 260 # (options_get_damage_to_player, <destination>), #0 = 1/4, 1 = 1/2, 2 = 1/1
options_set_damage_to_player    = 261 # (options_set_damage_to_player, <value>), #0 = 1/4, 1 = 1/2, 2 = 1/1
options_get_damage_to_friends   = 262 # (options_get_damage_to_friends, <destination>), #0 = 1/2, 1 = 3/4, 2 = 1/1
options_set_damage_to_friends   = 263 # (options_set_damage_to_friends, <value>), #0 = 1/2, 1 = 3/4, 2 = 1/1
options_get_combat_ai           = 264 # (options_get_combat_ai, <destination>), #0 = good, 1 = average, 2 = poor
options_set_combat_ai           = 265 # (options_set_combat_ai, <value>), #0 = good, 1 = average, 2 = poor
options_get_campaign_ai         = 266 # (options_get_campaign_ai, <destination>), #0 = good, 1 = average, 2 = poor
options_set_campaign_ai         = 267 # (options_set_campaign_ai, <value>), #0 = good, 1 = average, 2 = poor
options_get_combat_speed        = 268 # (options_get_combat_speed, <destination>), #0 = slowest, 1 = slower, 2 = normal, 3 = faster, 4 = fastest
options_set_combat_speed        = 269 # (options_set_combat_speed, <value>), #0 = slowest, 1 = slower, 2 = normal, 3 = faster, 4 = fastest
show_item_details_with_modifier           = 972 # (show_item_details_with_modifier, <item_id>, <item_modifier>, <position_no>, <show_default_text_or_not>) #show_default_text_or_not should be 1 for showing "default" for default item costs

# CONSEQUENCE OPERATIONS                                                                   -

party_set_extra_icon                   = 1682   # (party_set_extra_icon, <party_id>, <map_icon_id>, <up_down_distance_fixed_point>, <up_down_frequency_fixed_point>, <rotate_frequency_fixed_point>, <fade_in_out_frequency_fixed_point>), #frequencies are in number of revolutions per second
#agent_get_ammo_for_slot                = 1825    # (agent_get_ammo_for_slot, <destination>, <agent_id>, <slot_no>), #slot no can be between 0-3 ## Was already commented out?
scene_prop_set_prune_time              = 1819   # (scene_prop_set_prune_time, <scene_prop_id>, <value>), # prune time can only be set to objects that are already on the prune queue. static objects are not affected by this operation.

agent_get_ammo_for_slot                = 1825    # (agent_get_ammo_for_slot, <destination>, <agent_id>, <slot_no>), #slot no can be between 0-3

# Mission Consequence types

val_lshift             = 2100 # (val_lshift, <destination>, <value>), # shifts the bits of destination to left by value amount.
val_rshift             = 2101 # (val_rshift, <destination>, <value>), # shifts the bits of destination to right by value amount.


lhs_operations =  options_get_damage_to_player,
global_lhs_operations = [val_lshift,

Enjoy! - taragoth

#feel free to move to correct thread if it does'nt go here.
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