mod that allows you to execute prisoners

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Yes, there are a few.

Brytenwalda, for a start. Sword of Damocles, last I checked. In both mods, killing a Lord has grave consequences (as it should), but at least it's possible. Both mods make a lot of other changes, though. If you're just looking for a version of native with the added tweak of killing lords, I'm not sure how to help. Diplomacy might have the ability, but I haven't played enough to know for sure.
depending on what bandits or realm prisoners you have. release them next to relevant enemy parties... and they get the nasty **** beat out of them.
You could also tweak lord escape rates from prisoner towers to 0 (note that prisoners that don't belong to you eventually get released).
Epicrules said:
I think all "killing" a lord does in Brytenwalda is just change their name, face code, and wealth, as well as giving you a ton of nasty penalties.

But, isn't that exactly what killing is supposed to do? You removed the old Lord, so now you get a new one in his place. That's normal. If you want to just reduce the total number of Lords in the game you can play regular old native and wait for them to leave Calradia. Play long enough and all the Lords vanish anyways...
I never said I disagreed with that way of doing it, in fact i think that's actually a great way to do it, but I think most people want to kill lords just for the sake of "haha u hav 1 less guy now :smile:"
This is the Age of Chivalry - you ransom nobles, not murder them. If a noble dies on the battlefield he'd just be replace by his next male heir anyway, so the game just simplifies things. The age of chivalry didn't end until Henry V killed captured French Nobles after the battle of Agincourt, which is a couple of hundred years after this game's setting. Then total war was born.
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