SP - World Map Mercenaries Recruitment and Lord recruitment

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As a king, one of the most tedious thing is ally recruitment.
I have money, I have power, but I need to find every single NPC roaming the map like a monkey.
Its distasteful.

For all character, I would like to be able to send invitation to see a character. We can send one or two of our men. Or even a companion to search for it.
Way better than running around like headless chicken. Where is this GUY, ohh he was seen recently around 'There'. Go there, oh last seen around there. Rince and repeat.
Until 2 month later you find him.

After receiving the invitation. the NPC can : refuse, accept, kill the messenger, ask for payment when reaching us.

Next the mercenaries. How is it not possible to Renew the mercenaries contract?
I mean I need to search for each and every single merceanries head of company then ask them. By the time I find one. The other have already left their contract.
Instead of expiring, you should have multiple options like :
Increase our pay /influence to keep as contract
Keep actual contract.
Stop the current contract.

Next is lord recruitment.
Right now, I don't even bother.
They will die anyway, I take a few hours to get a good relation with one. For them to join me ( after looking for him like a headless chicken)
It is easier to kill every single lord you see on your way than to make any of them join you.
I think that these are all valid points.

For the recruitment of Lord's they should implement something of an diplomacy system between clans. Where you can do marriages and etc.

But a messenger is a great idea (if the messenger only comes available after a certain clan lvl)
Like in Game of Thrones, would love to be able to "send a raven." It is an absolute grind finding the NPCs you're looking for...
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