SP Tutorial Module System Make your own Companions

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Simply copying and pasting codes with the same stuff in them, I tried creating more companions, looked over the files and I don't see anything wrong. I keep getting errors about a 'tuple' object not callable
Dylanjobu said:
Simply copying and pasting codes with the same stuff in them, I tried creating more companions, looked over the files and I don't see anything wrong. I keep getting errors about a 'tuple' object not callable
You're missing a comma somewhere above that line that is causing the error. Perhaps right before that line.
Anyone know if this tutorial will fit for with Floris Mod Pack 2.4? I really want to try make a new companion in this mod  :wink:
is this line responsible for which factions troops the npc will spawn with as lord?

(troop_set_slot, "trp_npc17", slot_troop_original_faction, 0), #ichamur

and if so, which value stand for which faction?
ah I see ok thanks

how come some of the native companions have factions set for them and some don't like katrin and klethi? they have just 0 instead of fac_kingdom_x
bump (sorry for double post)

and what kind of troops do the companions get when there is no faction set for them?

can they also get bandit units when their faction is bandit?
Just wanted to say that Malik you're the man! I love the companions and with your source and tutorial I could add them to the Native Compilation I've been use. Works great after I found that missing ) that I know somebody else mentioned. I know I read the post, but still wasted like 20 minutes trying to figure out wtf was going on... though that might have something to do with being really tired... and mildly intoxicated... cheers!  :mrgreen:

Oh... and fun fact: if you use the option for having companions start in your home city available in the Native compilation... all 66 companions pile on in lmao. Looks like there's an actor limit though, guess we will never get to see all 9000 of your companions at the same tavern.
Thanks for this, I used it to create a companion modeled after my level 1 player character and insert it into Battle Time so that I have someone to play as in my friend's game.
so dude heres my propblem... i already have all the gear and stuff that i want for my guys saved in the text file toops.txt or what ever. but in game they are carrying the same stuff that the original modder gave them. so what file or text needs to be edited so i can change that file to get the gear that i want on then. bare in mind im editing the showgun mod v.5.
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