Maddening Army AI (this army was sponsored by RAID)

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? Not sure I understand you. This is indeed the current main, 1.5.6. Have there been changes concerning this in the beta?
Oh, but I will explain you and sorry for the late respond, so I'm starting: Khuzaits should be snowball faction early game because its historically accurate and you know of what I am talking about an empire 4 times bigger than the romans and 2 times bigger than Alexander's... 1000 army of empire cannot just go in the heart of the steppes and take Akalat or Orthongard... Also after defeat AI is COMEBACK with 80 100 men and fast built up 500 700 army whaaat? I mean even if they pull some of the garrisoned soldiers they still cannot make that army. Its getting worst for me so please bring back the historically accurate snowball of the mighty Mongols! If you want to weak them on snowball its more reasonable to be in the late game because "the iron is destroyed only by its own rust" and history reminds us that EVERY GREAT EMPIRE HAS FALLEN! Btw Monchung is staying in Chaikhand whole game because of the over populated lords - I MEAN THE KHAN is not moving or playing. Kiddos cries snowball snowball because their precious empire with shiny greedy knights is falling too fast well historically the empire had its time and now its time for the horde to conquer! So again for me, the AI changes in 1.5.6 are back in the stone age even worst. One last thing to even moooooooore precise according to history in the borders of present Bulgaria in those times there were several rebellions against the Byzantine occupators and the Paulicians started the biggest rebellion lets say that Danustica or Lavenia castle region should be always in rebellion against the eastern(southern) empire eh? That's history :wink: the rest is government money but they dont give money just like that so I'm starting to think that this is going in the direction of historically propaganda in modern video games. This is only my opinion :smile:
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after reading all these I do have to agree with the AI's lack of logic many times, yet I do also see where raiding is important. In fact one of my own plays I used raids while being a merc of the Southern empire to force Rhotea to rebel against the Aserai so I could then leave the Southern and take Rhotae myself without causing a war with the Aserai. It worked like a charm since the Southern was at war I just went raiding Rhotae's bonded villages until a rebellion popped off. So yes there can be some major benefits to raiding, I do feel whole armies even being allowed to raid should be removed from the AI's choices. You should never need an army to raid a single village. Armies should have IMO only 3 main goals, Attack enemy city/castle, Defend ally city/castle, and attack/defend against enemy army (not just ignore its existence) playing 1.5.7 beta also
Oh, but I will explain you and sorry for the late respond, so I'm starting: Khuzaits should be snowball faction early game because its historically accurate and you know of what I am talking about an empire 4 times bigger than the romans and 2 times bigger than Alexander's... 1000 army of empire cannot just go in the heart of the steppes and take Akalat or Orthongard... Also after defeat AI is COMEBACK with 80 100 men and fast built up 500 700 army whaaat? I mean even if they pull some of the garrisoned soldiers they still cannot make that army. Its getting worst for me so please bring back the historically accurate snowball of the mighty Mongols! If you want to weak them on snowball its more reasonable to be in the late game because "the iron is destroyed only by its own rust" and history reminds us that EVERY GREAT EMPIRE HAS FALLEN! Btw Monchung is staying in Chaikhand whole game because of the over populated lords - I MEAN THE KHAN is not moving or playing. Kiddos cries snowball snowball because their precious empire with shiny greedy knights is falling too fast well historically the empire had its time and now its time for the horde to conquer! So again for me, the AI changes in 1.5.6 are back in the stone age even worst. One last thing to even moooooooore precise according to history in the borders of present Bulgaria in those times there were several rebellions against the Byzantine occupators and the Paulicians started the biggest rebellion lets say that Danustica or Lavenia castle region should be always in rebellion against the eastern(southern) empire eh? That's history :wink: the rest is government money but they dont give money just like that so I'm starting to think that this is going in the direction of historically propaganda in modern video games. This is only my opinion :smile:
Personally I love the Khuzaits even when I'm not playing as them. They often times start invading an enemy that is attacking my faction. I think they shouldn't be nerfed but rather other factions more balanced around Khuzait. If at all.
I don't know if they improved Army A.I. in 1.5.7, probably not and it's just a coincidence, but I just had a case where Vlandia (of which I'm a vassal) took Dunglays while a different Vlandia army sieged a castle not too far away (but far enough). A Battanian army then arrived to take back Dunglays AND THE VLANDIAN ARMY SIEGING THE CASTLE ACTUALLY CAME OVER AND FOUGHT THEM. I want to personally thank the developers for a situation actually taking place the way it should. That is all.
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