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Wow, some guy actually used the MMR "hack" by winning all his games and then leaving in his promotion, letting him stay in bronze 5 but getting REALLY high MMR

He was with some plat players in champ select and he told them he was bronze 5, they checked and they were like : GG RIOT, GG WE LOSE and they still won, lol.
Damn. First blue ez, now proxy farm singed. Bloody everywhere  :???:
Mage246 said:
What is the advantage in doing that?
5 min of fame (and 2 forum threads maybe) as the guy who hacked the MMR system.
Wow, i just met fiddlesticks, and it is a MONSTER! I've never seen a jungler like that before. Man, i managed to solo dragon in 6! It needs another nerf in my opinion
The league system is just a gimmick. The same old ELO is still running in the background; it decides your standings and what enemies you face. You're probably not diamond if you are not consistently playing other diamond players.
Seher Akıncısı said:
Wow, i just met fiddlesticks, and it is a MONSTER! I've never seen a jungler like that before. Man, i managed to solo dragon in 6! It needs another nerf in my opinion

Enemy invades your blue
Kills you and takes it
Fiddlesticks useless for the rest of the game
Fiddlestick is a niche pick as well. Since he can hardly tank, and it takes quite a bit to set up his ult.

Solo dragon can also be done by the much simpler Nasus.
You know, I've been trying this aatrox guy in PBE and I have won every single game ( this was top ) but one ( which was against zac )

I'm going to buy him insta when he gets out ^^
xXMetalOwnzXx said:
Played against a plat Nunu jungle in ranked, in my silver division... He got baron at 15 minutes.. Nexus at 20.


With spirit wraith item he can solo baron from level 9, as long as he gets the buffs from the golems and lizard camps.
Nunu have always been able to do that, even as top lane. Against uncoordinated teams it work quite well.

Plat players are a little smarter though, since they've all seen their fair share of min 4 drag and min 15 barons to know better.
Seher Akıncısı said:
Wow, i just met fiddlesticks, and it is a MONSTER! I've never seen a jungler like that before. Man, i managed to solo dragon in 6! It needs another nerf in my opinion
Fiddle can take wolveblue + red, back, buy pink ward and blue pot, run to dragon, finish dragon in under 5 (I got 4:44 dragon slain on my try) minutes without any help from the laners. This while finishing with 1/3-1/2 of his HP depending on runes and masteries (and how much  you screwed up). Well I think you could finish with less or even die with bad enough setup and/or screwing up too much.  :mrgreen:
Today I found out what it's like playing Ad Carry with Jarvan, Kassadin, Lee Sin and Blitz in your team, in silver. Basically, your front line disappears over a wall or far into the enemy team in a millisecond while Blitz conveniently pulls the first guy he can right next to me. My massive kill and farm advantage got beaten to a pulp every single teamfight.

Actually, only time this doesn't happen in ranked is when I duo and have at least one guy who I know will peel for me.
Uh... that makes no sense. They shouldn't be disappearing over walls away from you, they should be using their mobility advantage to surprise people who try to get you.
It was Cait. And hell no, I ain't jumping into the middle of the bloody teamfight.

Mage246 said:
Uh... that makes no sense. They shouldn't be disappearing over walls away from you, they should be using their mobility advantage to surprise people who try to get you.

What Mabs said. It's bloody silver. They see a kill and they jump for it, despite the fact that I usually hold half or more of the team's kills. It was bloody sad when Blitz was right next to me and pulled a Xin, then after the teamfight (where I got horribly murdered first despite having my Cait E, flash and barrier) complained about his "perfect grabs" and how we suck despite them.
Well this is gold. Three ranked wins in a row, three times it says I've qualified for a promotion and my LP is stuck at 99. EUW...
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