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Cho'Gath is incredibly strong. However, quite difficult if you're up against an experienced player. Rupture is easy to avoid, and even if you get the Q-W combo, there are lot of top-laners who can then proceed to outtrade you anyway, considering you have to get pretty close to get in the W and you have to get to melee range to use your E and R. This is of course made worse by the fact that he lacks and gap-closer at all and is fairly slow.
However, if you have the Gentleman Cho'Gath your enemy will be blinded by your class and will let themselves get eaten. Delicious.
Riven is a good counter to cho, and every other top since the new items completely broke her. She's ridiculously overpowered in one on one top.
I always had an easy time countering Riven as Cho. They'd jump into a Rupture and get silenced so they can't jump away. Without dem jumps, trade goes in your favour.
Yeah, I just need practice. I don't know, getting really frustrated with this game. Enemy has Darius and Olaf, I shut down darius in lane like no tomorrow. (I was 7/4, he was 1/5) Enemy team wins because eve is an anti ADC, and olaf and darius need no items to do well.
Teemo counters just about everybody up top, if played right. Lately I've been into a lot of Amumu jungle and Taric support. Mordekaiser is also incredibly strong mid in some situations
hayabusa12 said:
Teemo counters just about everybody up top, if played right. Lately I've been into a lot of Amumu jungle and Taric support. Mordekaiser is also incredibly strong mid in some situations

Wait, he counters even Yorick? I have never seen that actually.
hayabusa12 said:
Teemo counters just about everybody up top, if played right. Lately I've been into a lot of Amumu jungle and Taric support. Mordekaiser is also incredibly strong mid in some situations

Amumu jungle <3

Also, Olaf jungle is really awesome. But I tend to feel like a cheatzorz playing him.
Crroatian said:
hayabusa12 said:
Teemo counters just about everybody up top, if played right. Lately I've been into a lot of Amumu jungle and Taric support. Mordekaiser is also incredibly strong mid in some situations

Wait, he counters even Yorick? I have never seen that actually.

Yeah, he's terrible v. Yorick. Just W and E him whenever he tries to poke you.
Crroatian said:
hayabusa12 said:
Teemo counters just about everybody up top, if played right. Lately I've been into a lot of Amumu jungle and Taric support. Mordekaiser is also incredibly strong mid in some situations

Wait, he counters even Yorick? I have never seen that actually.
Naw, Yorick just poops on Teemo. Literally POOPS THE **** ALL OVER HIM. Also Pantheon. That **** is not pretty. It's dead Teemo everywhere. Nvm. that's the prettiest sight one can ever hope to perceive.

1) They already nerfed Cho's ludicrous sustain, by what I would call "a lot".
2) Morde is ridiculous if you get ahead. He's literally one of those champs that can go like 1vs3 as a valid strategy. :mrgreen: Not that it matters at that point but anyways.
Yes, Pantheon kills Teemo, I can confirm this. So much was I killing him, the jungler and mid kept ganking me  :cry:
Pretty much everyone top can destroy Teemo, they just need to be super aggressive early and get ahead before he gets to the *one hit, 1/3rd of your life and can't trade since you're blinded* stage.
There's a storm right now is Asia called Wukong. D: Hope they've been stacking armor.
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