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I really, really like how it looks like he'd play. Grab someone, keep them close with crippling strike permaslow after a couple of hits, then ult for the finish. With spin for teamfight utility.
That's a really strong passive (magic damage that stacks on both attacks and abilities and works off of AD with a .4 ratio D:smile: ... and abilities that give percentage bonuses instead of flat bonuses. Like 200% bonus on next basic attack.... Combine that with Sheen/Trinity and that's really beastly. And an ability that maxes at 25% armor penetration... so with the armor pen mastery that's 35% armor penetration. If for some reason you also get a last whisper, that's a whopping 75% armor penetration. Add to that a true damage ult that works off of AD.... You could butcher any tank in the game. I wonder how good his gap closer will be.... Only thing he lacks is a defensive power. Which could hurt him a lot if he doesn't build tankish. That much armor pen and life steal should be enough against most enemies assuming he can get close.
I'm assuming you build him like Jarvan top. Boots, two dorans on first b, then Wriggles/Brut/Hexdrinker depending on matchup > Phage > triforce. After that I usually go either Randuins or LW depending on how fed I am, and getr the other after. Massive damage early into a tanky lategame.

Triforce would be even better for him given at 5 stacks his W has a 3 second CD. Maybe go FH instead of randuins? I'm thinking Triforce, LW, Randuins, Boots, Maw, Bloodthirster would be a pretty good lategame build.

Speaking of which, turns out I can add WW to the list of strong top lane champs I can counterpick with Jarvan <3
How so? He has no way of retaliating to your burst unless he dives into the creep line. I finished the lane early for a reason, nobody beats ww after he has time to tank up :razz:
Which is why a smart WW just farms rather than try to fight you until he has some armor.
And he's going to farm how exactly? If he's in range to last hit, he's in range to be combo'd. If Jarv gets stuck on minions he can q back, but that's it, and Q>E>AA hurts a lot more than his q. Either you get in combo range or you get completely denied. And if I get my dorans + brut/wriggles up before he gets his shroud, you can replace that with 'get denied or die'.

That ww DID make a pretty big mistake, admittedly, though he can't really be blamed for it. Started dorans, which you only do vs weak lanes. Most assume Jarvan's a weak lane due to the gp/10 build that used to be really popular.

Still, I'd say Jarvan is more of a counterpick given he doesn't scale as well as some other bruisers like say irelia, and he's not as safe.

It's also worth noting that armour isn't even all that effective given Q has a pretty big armour shred :razz:
Calodine said:
Triforce would be even better for him given at 5 stacks his W has a 3 second CD. Maybe go FH instead of randuins? I'm thinking Triforce, LW, Randuins, Boots, Maw, Bloodthirster would be a pretty good lategame build.
I believe it's 2 second CD on his W with 5 stacks of his passive. But ye, he only scales with bonus AD, like Hecarim, so Maw+Bloodthirster is going to add a lot of damage. Probably Atmogs will be quite popular on him, as will be the Trinity Force.
And Phreak probably plays him as a jungler.
It doesn't matter if your skills scale with base or bonus AD. You just have to take that into account when you determine whether the base damage of the skill is good (not if the scaling is good).
The cooldown on his Q is only 5 seconds at level 5 as well :O. But ye, he seems decent enough, but most of his damage come from a sustained fight, so bursty hit-n-run champs like Jarvan/Olaf will likely beat him in lane.
Meh, Jarvan's combo needs him to be level 3 yeah? Warwick can just run up and Q you in the face till you die before then, so I fail to see how Jarvan wins after the initial burst, if Warwick just keeps his attack up, he will lifesteal most of the damage back. Oh, and if Jarvan is always so aggressive in lane why don't you tell your jungler to gank when Jarvan jumps you? The he has no escape other than flash  :razz:
ColonicAcid said:
if the jarvan is just as competent he would freeze the lane in his tower.

which means warwick can't farm and if he does, he will get harrassed heavily.
Not really, Ww benefits when the lane is slightly pushed to not that pushed and exchanges well at level 3 onwards, also you make freezing the lane at your tower for more than 1 wave easy, Ww is countered by heavy pushers who are on par with his harass and sustain, not someone who farms at his tower for a wave or 2 because exchanging with him after that is hard and is more than likely to have you getting denied instead.
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