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Twitch chat, champion counter comment sections and guide comment sections are all full of these guys with a massive ego to stroke. They are absolutely right and no one can tell them they are not.
That's why they do it.
They want a response.
I don't even bother looking at comments like ever.
In a big demographic game such as LoL it's going to be filled with the bottom of the **** pool.
ColonicAcid said:
you guys actually take anything that is said and any personality that is shown in all of those things as their actual personality and what they actually think?


Oh I don't give a ****, put it that way.
Bugmanina said:
So that point still stands they're assholes. I'm really not seeing your issue.
As does mine.
They want you to think that they're assholes and for you to get mad at them. You lash out at them and they get the enjoyment of their lifetimes.
Just don't even bother, disregard it and carry on, imagine it never even existed.
They act like assholes and therefore they are assholes. Whether they want you to think that they are assholes becomes a moot point. Thinking they are assholes doesn't automatically mean that you are mad at them, nor does pointing out that they are assholes mean that you are mad about it.
Besides, the more they get away with it, the worse it will inevitably become. Gnomesayin has the right to enjoy the game and support her team without some people insulting her at every turn. It's not a matter of getting mad and raging at them, that would make their day. A system of punishments on the other hand... It wouldn't matter if they mean it or are just trying to troll, assholes are assholes and need to be treated as such.

Just because I can easily ignore such people, doesn't mean I should. If I'm in a position to do something about it, I will. Asshats have a very short life expectancy on the TS where I have mod, for example.
But that TS has (I'm going to guess) an average of 20-60 people.
The stream? An average of 20,000 - 100,000. You can try to moderate that, believe you me, you'll wish you were a psychologist in a mental asylum.
I mean yeah, sure you can report it. Nothing will probably get done about it, and if it does, they can probably just as easily circumvent it. We're talking about a pool here so big and so large that it's going to be filled with more ****heads than you'll ever imagine.
Damn. Sometimes I almost think this game is worth playing. Just played a game to stop myself from decaying to silver. Qualified for a series and met a guy who was very pleasant even after losing the game. Two games later I'm back to gold three, even considering getting up to plat finally, and have a grand time with this fellow. Hell, even the games themselves were really fun.

Almost worth it.
Maboobs said:
Viktor is good, saying he has nothing on other mids is stupid.

I didn't said this :xf-mad: I just said that he is weaker than others in late game....

EDIT: What eh **** is this? I did first 10 matches on ranked, and then instantly became Silver III O_O
How dies this **** work? I though i will do first 10 matches, then become Bronze I and i will have to work my way up, this is... unexpected....
As for systems of punishment, Riot actually STOPPED perma banning people.

How ****ing stupid, do you have to be, to do that. Tribunal itself is a joke, it's barely worth using.

There are so many things it needs like...

  • Pre/Post game chat
  • EVERY stat possible, I need to be able to see if this Ryze guy actually got his items legit, or if his items were even modified, so that I don't think this "hacker" report was some sort of rage impulse
  • Be able to report OTHER players than the accused, so I don't see 10 people in one game flaming like hell at each other and I'm only able to punish one?  :lol:
  • Finally, a chance to choose the appropiate punishment. Sometimes I think a perma ban, sometimes a perma mute, because at least he still tries to win, he just needs to stop wishing cancer on his support because he didn't ward the last bush in the map.
Where you hearing this? Getting rid of perma is pretty bad idea. It doesn't stop the raging, but I've seen many people turn around their behavior after getting perma'd.
I don't know exactly how the system works, but I got a lot of warnings from matches I played.
I always get trolly little ****ers, sometimes a whole premade group of trolls, who bash on the whole team. And I always do my best to keep everyone positive and focused.
But if for some reason these guys/guy want to pick on me, they tell the enemy team where I am, what I'm doing, and it just really get's annoying.

So I just get to the point where I mute everyone. Keep in mind I never cuss out anyone, bash on anyone, or do anything negative, I just stay neutral, and every time, these trolls report for some stupid thing I never did. I always get that dang message after a game, and once I even got banned for two days because of these stupid trolls I always get matched with.

The system is so screwed up.
If you got banned you should ask for an appeal. If you stayed muted, ALL Game, and didn't say a single word, that is not bannable.
I had a tristana in my team once, while playing Lee Sin jungle,

At 4 minutes into the game, I ganked bot and got her a triple kill ( it was a countergank ) and she backed, I lasthitted some minions ( like 1 wave ) while she was back, she said : "omg lee fu noob" went afk and didnt come back until the 12th minute, leading to her feeding massively and almost costing us the game, luckily me and the fizz mid got so fed that we just carried the game and still won...

But I've seen some massive **** in this game, and not just bad players, but complete retards that just blame->troll->fail
Played with one guy who demands Mid and instalocks Ziggs. "Ok" we think, picking a team that works with the lanes left to us, which led to me playing Thresh support. Ziggs then proceeded to lose his lane pretty quickly, refusing to ever leave because "missing CS is for noobs", despite his opponent ganking all the time (not a single MIA called).

Now I got a little bit miffed, considering I'd like to think I'm a pretty good mid and began asking him to help out, call MIA and generally be at team fights. HE then proceeds to rage at me, before asking the other team to report me for feeding (I even had less deaths than him). His reasoning? "OMG NOOB. U don't have any kills".

So I have absolutely no sympathy when people like this get trolled and flamed. If you're going to pick a lane, make sure you can play it. And don't rage at your team because you've ****ed up.
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